Recent content by CoolGUY1

  1. C

    Why does this Christian blonde girl always want to argue with me about religion

    and never leave me alone? In the beginning I would discuss religion with her, as I am an Atheist, in terms of a normal friendly conversation. Now it has turned to the point where she is always trying to start an argument and I try to avoid her. There is something seriously wrong with that girl...
  2. C

    How much do Verizon Network specialists make?

    WHat is required for them to work there.
  3. C

    How to get my old facebook chat back ?

    For the last couple of days,it has started to display that new chat which I fing very irritating.So anyone please help me to get me back the old fb chat??
  4. C

    Is it a sin to say crude jokes?

    Is it bad to make jokes about sexuality or obscene things if they don't offend anyone or are addressed to anyone?
  5. C

    Why do divorce ladies whine about their ex Husband all the time?

    its like I didnt I bring you on a date to listen to you mope about your ex Husband. I brought you to a date to bang you at the end of fight, so hurry up finish your dinner. You know what I mean, she should be happy that a good looking guy like me even gave her the time of the day so what gives?
  6. C

    Christians only: Will you please help me understand Romans 1: 18 through 32, please?

    I will greatly appreciate it. I mean, what exactly does all this mean? Please only Christians. 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to...
  7. C

    Our bed is on fire with passion and love, the neighbor complains about the

    noise above? but she only c*u*ms when she's on top. What's wrong with your daughter?
  8. C

    How do you remove the front bumper from a 1996 Nissan Micra. Is it easy?

    take it to the garage but on the way hit everything on the way and say a hudlem in a evo hit you and pull off the small remains of the bumper.
  9. C

    Everytime I try to burn a DVD, I get an error code, help please?

    Ok I figured it out after burning with Power2Go, I got this. Now I just need to confirm whether I have to get a new internal drive or not.. would be nice if I wouldn't have to though. That explains the constant fixed failing %. I used a Kodak DVD-R. 14.11.2010 Task Type : Burn Disc Image...
  10. C

    Nero 10 continuously failing to burn image to DVD, help please?

    I wanted to burn my project .img file on a DVD on nero express and burning ROM but it won't work, even after 5 attempts (Kodak DVD-R) it still fails at 3% (always fails at 3%) and it just tells me it failed, doesn't tell me why. When I thought it's cause my driver wasn't meant to burn CDs, I...
  11. C

    What are your favorite jokes? Or just tell a joke here?

    i got one "A duck walks into a bar and asks, "Got any grapes?" The bartender, confused, tells the duck no. The duck thanks him and leaves. The next day, the duck returns and asks, "Got any grapes?" Again, the bartender tells him, "No -- the bar does not serve grapes, has never served grapes...
  12. C

    What do you think of oscar's funny work out video?

  13. C

    What's next for Floyd now that his rant didn't affect Pacquiao?

    he will now demand for random sperm testing in order to avoid the fight.