Recent content by ColleenC

  1. C


    I think the one problem you have here is that you are automatically assuming it's something out of the ordinary rather than what you saw being caused by something more mundane i.e. the fact you'd just woke up or were possibly still not fully awake. This might seem like a bit of a daft question...
  2. C

    Think you got rhythm?

    I have a friend who can dance like that, I tried and it just didn't work... it's bloody difficult. Ballet training doesn't count for anything when it comes to the Soca!
  3. C

    Do women have longer legs?

    What about my other questions? Do men have bigger hands than women (on average etc...)? And do all people have a set leg-to-torso ratio, or does it vary from person to person? Thanks, I'll say the discussion has been interesting so far.
  4. C

    superman v hulk

    Constantine would own Batman, the whole mess would be very bloody, there'd be several demons owed favors, and of course, John would try to drown out the whole memory of it at the nearest pub--or under a bridge. paz, dormindo
  5. C

    Hurrah! MAP is back!

    Of course MAP is under too much pressure, my sexiness is overloading the server... sorry guys
  6. C

    Whats your least favorite country guys are really really retarded.... amerca made the thing called the "internet" that you are currently using to bash the country that made it so you can bash your your country over the thing they invented called the internet... socialism is ftl...when they say "free health care" it means...
  7. C

    Who could be beat Bruce Lee in a fist fight?

    Hoyce Gracie vs Bruce Lee would be gold.
  8. C

    Method of Death

    Actually wait, I wonder how much of me would be left to fit into a casket.
  9. C


    :tup: me too.
  10. C

    Animal Science Final/College Algebra Final

    If you're posting a thread like this, you dont need to be in college.
  11. C

    What is so important about Israel?

    The only thing that will stop the rocket attacks is the Arab world admitting that Israel has a right to exist in peace. Once that is done, the details can be worked out. Camp David came as close as it has come in 60 years. There were details to be worked out, but 90% of the framework was there...
  12. C

    Is the one on the left dating material :|

    her face reminds me of the azn smiley face. -_-
  13. C

    Mitt Romney

    So Romney doesn't quite measure up to those LDS boys that went before him eh?
  14. C

    Police Brutality????

    No matter the outcome. The situation should have been prevented. This is the same thing with self defense. Prevention and metal application is always better than a physical outcome. As I had stated; Although, I am not one to be for or against police scuffles, some police get short tempered and...