Recent content by coby1239

  1. C

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    Kind but really of not.
  2. C

    Only in Texas

    Unfortunately, I have to agree. Though I am sure Montana will be right after us on this one.
  3. C

    well since poll got closed here we type one wrod to make a sentance

    whats happn in' in mah pants. gunna be another 6 weeks a winta...mmhmmmm
  4. C

    more legit than google earth/maps

    lol it still thinks that the walking trail at me and my uncles house is a road.
  5. C

    Your plans for summer

    cruise, work.
  6. C

    Kid at my school caught raping a cat.

    Correction: Thor hates possums, and would strike it down swiftly with his Mjolnir. But his father, Odinn, on the other hand, does not commend victory without the hunt.
  7. C

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    From the comments on that page, seeing as we're talking about Thatcher.
  8. C

    What are you drinking

    Americans... let them do their things.
  9. C

    The Queen of England

    aikiMac hit the nail on the head regarding the royal family. Some people here look to the Kennedy family as substitute royals, but it's not the same thing. And tea is the best! I'll pass on metric, for the time being.
  10. C

    The only good music of today is a few metal bands

    I pretty much only listen to metal...but even from an unbiased opinion I'd say the majority of mainstream music today is just way to simple, plain, and talentless. It's mostly just mediocre singing with some simple repetitive beat/riff in the background, which is usually electronic/programmed...
  11. C

    How beautiful is she?!

    'average'? 'ordinary'? ain't too many girls like that in my college. I think she's beautiful!
  12. C

    Why hello there Su Lin :D

    I know that's what it means Phil,and it's completely relevant to my good sweet/cute self
  13. C

    The Word Game IV

  14. C

    Best fight scene ever

    That was epic! I love Godzilla's flying kangaroo kicks. Brutal.
  15. C

    Guys: Which girl would you date??

    First probably because she likes Rock music and books and seems interesting.