Recent content by ChinoC

  1. C

    Any Firefighters out there

    More like Muscle Shark Hunter. Sherk stands no chance.
  2. C

    The Time has come: SENIOR PRANKS

    ^ haha .. thats great
  3. C

    Israel Blockades Lebanon Jeez - just when I thought things might quiet down and hopefully get back on track somehow... silly me.
  4. C

    Anyone ******** themselves over results?

    Uni of Liverpool, BA Business Economics
  5. C

    The World Cup

    I believe that they have only fairly recently switched to a flat back four, so he's probably more used to playing as a wing-back.
  6. C

    Women And Money

    Ahahaha... women and money, what a crazy concept. ... too tempting, blatantly just joking but i'm sure somebody will cry misogyny
  7. C

    Israel hits Syria

    So there are two possibilities. (1) My theory: Syria was transferring these powerful Iranian missiles to Hezbollah (probably in trade for money or military aid against the Free Syrian Army), in which case Israel had every right to destroy the missiles as a self-defense measure given...
  8. C

    Getting Friend Zoned.

    You're thinking of friends with benefits. Panda, just enjoy your life and stop looking, when someone comes along, just be yourself, if you like someone, make it clear, take them out, don't spend time talking about their exes, or if the subject comes up "with all due respect, I'm really not...
  9. C

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    I'm ready for my close up...
  10. C

    Immigration debate

    You may be right, Lefty This is a 2008 article, a lot can change over the years. Not to mention the source seems to be a "far" right media. A new gallup poll has the USA at fifth in the world as a percentage of GNP...
  11. C

    Change the song name

    Out in the fields - Thin Lizzy
  12. C

    Do you have a crush on anyone here on TSR...

    I'd better clarify. What I meant is don't get too aroused at the THOUGHT of seeing my biceps. Your state of arousal would hit the ****ing roof if you actually saw my 'ceps.
  13. C

    Favorite TV show growing up?

    Ah.. Action League Now.... Good times