Recent content by Cher

  1. C

    Boxers or briefs?

    What do you wear?
  2. C

    Which SAW movie is it where…?

    There are a bunch of people and in the first level or game there is a key and if you don't get the key you blow up. And in the next level there are tubes you go in and in the next one there is a bath tub and in the final level the two people left realize that they could of saved everybody...
  3. C

    New Off Topic Mod

  4. C

    summer vacation plans

    Working for the most part. Me and my friends are also renting a cape house for 2 weeks then im going for another week with other friends.
  5. C


    Well, I do love my coffee.
  6. C

    Alcoholics Anonymous: V. with a poll!

    No alcoholics in my family. I have a pretty firm grasp on my drinking habits, especially for a 19 year old. That being said, I have been known to drink alone and listen to folk music like a depressed old man from time to time. Y'all should try it.
  7. C

    vacation in the philippines?

    Trust me, its soo cheap over there £1000 should be enough.
  8. C

    Do bmw's break down all the time?

    yes, my dad's car is a bmw and it breaks down a lot.
  9. C

    How to transfer photos from memory SD card to Samsung Flight cell phone?

    my brother got an iphone 4 for christmas, so he gave me his old phone (samsung flight). i got all my information onto the phone using the sim card, except the photos. i copied the photos on the old phone to its SD card. i inserted it in my new phone, but i dont know how to transfer the photos to...
  10. C

    Change the song name

    Dancing Barefoot - Patti Smith
  11. C

    Help, Im soooo Hungover!

    Yep, I said that last week, now I'm half way down my 4th bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale
  12. C

    Circumcision reduces chances of HIV infection by 60%, says World Health Organization

    Recent stats show a rise in HIV in areas where this has been rolled out, the reason - possibly people think it provides more protection than it really does, in some areas where it has been trialled some locals believe having sex with a virgin cures aids so scientific method and percentage gains...
  13. C

    "Levels of rape"

    "Levels of rape" I was trying to make a joke that something was wrong with Coronavirus, it had nothing to do with the thread. I'll stop.
  14. C

    chewing gum?

    how many of you out there,constantly chew on gum?my daughter aged 12 chews it like it's going out of fashion.also what type and flavour is your favourite!
  15. C

    android phones overheating

    I have a Google Nexus One. It gets hot under a heavy load. But it's never been so hot I couldn't charge it. It did however go through a spell of not holding a charge for the whole day. And then "fixed it's self". Or more like a software update fixed it. Check your settings and turn stuff off...