Recent content by CharlieKelly

  1. C

    Using the Bitcoin digital currency, do I have to be a part of their cluster?

    You can always start your own chain, you can tell this by how many coins there are right now. Litecoins, bitcoins, terracoins, namecoins, the list goes on. So, yes, you can have your own version for your own purposes, it doesn't effect other chains.
  2. C

    how can I be safe while downloading torrents?

    Fight for your rights in law, and then download what's legally yours.
  3. C

    are bit torrents illegal?

    torrents are just a great way to distribute data, it lessens the load on the official ubuntu servers and lets everyone pitch in to distribute the file. World of Warcraft's updater apparently also uses torrents to update the game of clients. It's a smart move, I'm not sure if the updater also...
  4. C

    how can i remove files from a DVD on my computer?

    Thanks, you make me very glad that I don't use DVD's as a storage medium.
  5. C

    Is it rude for a person to answer their cellphone while I'm in the middle of...

    I would ask them to hang up or else I will sue them emotional neglect.