Recent content by ChangeWEcanbelieveint

  1. C

    good first good job places to apply

    best buy you have to be 16
  2. C

    Anyone else hate their First Name?

    the name of my birth certificate is gross the name everyone uses (inc parents) Jamie, i like.
  3. C

    just got back from ozzfest...

    ozzy is to old now..Idk how he gets air out of his lungs.
  4. C

    Ninja vs. Pirates

    Run a search! I remember a daft thread a while back about Ninjas and Pirates EDIT: Pirates!
  5. C

    Fan hacks off testicles

    I'm a Welsh man & ex coal miner, I have worked with lots of hardmen & nutters but my god I am glad i did not bump into this guy down the pit!!!! Seriously though he must have major mental health problems, I work in that field & have come across many people who self harm & mutilate thamselves but...
  6. C

    Why do we eat meat?

    Good theory, but I think it is unfounded. That would mean that, as a race, we evolved from meat eating into plant eating, and, considering how much humans have eaten meat since the invention of fire, I don't see how that could have happened, evolutionary speaking. That would meant that the...
  7. C

    What Is Your Favorite Book?

    fave book: Band of Brothers by Stephen E Ambrose. its a true story about a company of WW2 paratroops and follows them from training in Camp Toccoa, Georgia to Hitler's Eagle's Nest at Berchtesgarden and includes interviews with the surviving company members. it was made into a TV series for HBO...
  8. C

    Your geekiest hobby?

    I love Sporcle, infact Im gonna go play me some right now. US State capitols here I come.
  9. C

    Planet Nibiru?

    how do you know?
  10. C

    bb gum

    just kill the thread!!!! DO IT!!! DO IT NOW!!!
  11. C

    Mountain Dew FTW?

  12. C


  13. C

    Funny Divorce Letter

    throat yogurt huh? thats a good one
  14. C

    Is it weird? Had a date with someone from Myspace

    Arf! What can I say, I believe in equal rights amongst sexes I know I'm insane already yah see. That's probably why I say 'lurve' actually...