Recent content by CB

  1. C

    REPUBLICANS, why are you complaining about the Occupation Wall Street rallies,...

    No it IS a Liberal rally, Conservatves want nothing to do with that. And the Tea Party cleaned the parks and destroyed nothing, Cities actually recruited the Tea Party to have demonstrations in their town. No VD, no drugs, no rapes, no child molestors, no vandalism, Those are all Liberal...
  2. C

    Why is it? That Atheists Lose Their Courage to Rant on Muslims About Their Beliefs?

    Christians are taught to turn the other cheek. I think they despise the strength
  3. C

    Would it not be cheaper to introduce universal healthcare to the USA?

    I think from an Independent standpoint that it COULD be a good thing. But... As England and other countries have found out, illegals will continue to use emergency rooms for Doctor visits and it breaks the system in a different way. So I think if its going to be done it needs to be thought...
  4. C

    While traveling down Ingnorance Blvd, will the Republicans turn left on

    15% of Democrats are birthers 11% of Independents and 24% republican Looks like there is plenty of stupid for all parties
  5. C

    Will T-Mobile compensate me for their mistake?

    Hi, Here is the story. So I've had my IPhone on contract for a couple of months now, with T-Mobile. When I first received my IPhone my own phone number was already inputted in my Contacts. Which means T-Mobile must have put it there. I've also been actively seeking jobs for a couple of...
  6. C

    Obama told us that the health care mandate is not a tax. Why are they arguing in...

    Because a penalty is unconstitutional congress has the right to tax, so they changed their argument. unfortunately it is not called a tax in the bill, thus the ruling SC rules 5-3 unconstitutional, unless Kagan refuses to recuse herself then it's 5-4
  7. C

    How to smooth out a rocky relationship?

    Every relationship hits bumps along the way.. I'm on my second bump. I just try and think positively and hope it will get better but I do need to try something new, I hate the bumps, they shake my confidence. How do you guys smooth out your relationships when they get tough? What do you say/do...
  8. C

    How to smooth out a rocky relationship?

    Every relationship hits bumps along the way.. I'm on my second bump. I just try and think positively and hope it will get better but I do need to try something new, I hate the bumps, they shake my confidence. How do you guys smooth out your relationships when they get tough? What do you say/do...
  9. C

    Virginia now has a 400 million surplus, after Bob McDonnell killed Tim

    Kaines 3 Billion $ tax hike? So how did that happen? I thought we had to tax and spend our way out of this depression? Maybe we need a few more Tea arty candidates? Kaine took it, he wasn't Gov. then...
  10. C

    What circumcision cut style do i have? Is it a 'tight' or 'loose' cut?

    I got circumcised 5 days ago due to medical reasons (phimosis). I only found out today that there are various different cut styles of circumcision. The urologist did not mention any cut styles but did explain how he would cut the foreskin. The skin on the shaft of my penis starts about a...
  11. C

    biologist use evolution to make predictions about what they will find and have...

    I think most everyone believes in evolution, but it doesn't explain the origin of man. Chemical evolution.... I doubt it
  12. C

    I have a 1999 Chrysler Concorde. My battery light came on a couple days

    ago, it stays on while I am driving? I have a 1999 Chrysler Concorde. My battery light came on a couple days ago, and it stays on while I am driving. I went to Autozone and they said the alternator is fine, but the battery is bad. I charged the battery by a jump but the light came back on. I...
  13. C

    Did Sarah Palin go over the line when she called Obama a "homo"?

    She called him lost, no leader, incompetent, but homo I don't think so.
  14. C

    Co-Mingling Funds, California?

    A man owns a small home before he is married. Once married, he sells the home and buys another larger house with the intent of it being the family home. In the interim between owning homes, the husband opens a joint account with his wife and uses the funds from the sale of his home to support...
  15. C

    Is Conservative Michelle Bachmann's "Armed and Dangerous" Rant Prompting...

    Trying to characterize any sick mass murderer into a political ideology shows you don't have much but hate for conservatives. Twisted minds come in all shapes and sizes. And the greatest danger that history has shown us to threats is appeasement.