Recent content by Caviar

  1. C

    Do you have the hots for anyone on TSR?

    PROVE IT! no but i said, could be a right bitch. NOT is most defintly a right bitch because there smoking hot. but 20 stone girls are sexy and fun. thats a fact. and there are 9 million bicycles in beijing.
  2. C

    Kid kills wild Boar with Revolver

    Crap...hope no one decides to pick up and run with the Giant Hog thingy-mabop
  3. C

    Gun Control

    How do you define sane NewLearner ? Who judges what a sane person behaves like ? I wouldn't call a guy carrying a gun necessarily sane unless he is a police man or belongs to the army and even then I'd have my reservations. If you face someone pointing a gun at you, even if he was your best...
  4. C

    Pakistani Girls....

    Let me in too, forget Sparkzzz. :p: We'll watch Mohabbatein. :ninja: :hubba:
  5. C

    Android or iPhone? Which do you recommend?

    i have an iPhone 4s, and its a thing of beauty.... i have like 100 apps and its so easy with siri...... you just talk and the phone does all the hard work for you. You can make a text message by talking and siri writes it out for you :D It hasnt let me down and it probably wont.... but the only...
  6. C

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Loose generalisation, but if the govenment cant control Hez, then Hez are the government running the country Yes i do, do you support this?? or this...
  7. C


    No cabs in our town or I would think about it. I live in a small rich white community north of dallas edit: first period is almost over. edit 2: Find my random junk to buy and help me spend the remaining $7 in my checking account.
  8. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    LOL!!!!! +1
  9. C

    men, women and IQ

    Do you think that there are no women who ask men out?
  10. C

    Subway Sandwich...Now With Knives

    Oh damn.
  11. C

    Change the song name

    'Mother Stands for Comfort' - Kate Bush
  12. C

    so, what kinda beer you likey?

    ya i drink abit, but not alot....
  13. C

    thinking of giving up TV

    its easy to dismiss this stuff as crackpot conspiracy theory nonsense, but is a fact that television is used by governments and advertisers to control us.
  14. C

    Upper Decker

    No balls