Recent content by CarolinaS

  1. C

    Caveman VS Homo Sapien?

    Well...with much research in Anthropology i find myself more attracted to the life style of cavemen VS our modern day life today. They had a simple, yet unique and competitive lifestyle unlike our "simple lifes". With no real money, ipods, cell phones, pornography(which i HATE)...strippers...
  2. C

    Caveman VS Homo Sapien?

    Well...with much research in Anthropology i find myself more attracted to the life style of cavemen VS our modern day life today. They had a simple, yet unique and competitive lifestyle unlike our "simple lifes". With no real money, ipods, cell phones, pornography(which i HATE)...strippers...
  3. C

    i have like a little pimple on my eye should i pop it?

    ok so i have this little pimple on my top eyelid i have had as long as i can remember doesnt hurt never got red or anything like that. I have tried to pop it and it just moves and i cant really pop it should i got to the doctors???
  4. C

    Regardless of religion, colour, creed, nationality, political standings or...

    that inevitable we are robots to our machines (government)
  5. C

    Poll: If you could scream one thing to the government and force them to...

    ...listen what would you say? be creative ill choose a best answer if you are the best are you the best?? lets see...
  6. C

    !!Stop spending huge amounts of money on medicines!!?

    It’s no secret to anyone that the pharmaceutical industry profits millions of dollars off our ailments. But I am fortunate to be residing in a country where plants and herbs are used as an effective alternative medicine for almost no cost, if not for free! So I decided to take the secrets of...