Recent content by Capodastaro

  1. C

    Your favourite music

    where is that section?
  2. C

    the art of appearing to be working...

    Sad. You guys have cool jobs, ive never had a job where i have to try and look busy. Ive never understood that, why should you TRY and look busy when there simply is nothing to do!! Why not all just chill out, play some music, tell few jokes...or better still go home early!
  3. C

    The blatant lies thread

    i did'nt just dive in a snow bank and make a snow angel
  4. C

    Your .02 on anti-immigration laws.

    That happens to me twice in my early 20's.. After HS, i got job at woodshop and stay there for 2 years, got laid off and got replaced by mexicans. Then 6 mths later, got a job at another woodshop. 7 months later, got laid-off and got replaced by mexican again (they're paying them less what I...
  5. C

    The Tardy Excuse Thread

    Depending on the office lady giving me my tardy slip-- One gets "Senioritis" as an excuse(just because she doesn't care as much), and the other lady gets "I was sick" as one. I always get asked for a doctor note. I told her last week that I'm not going to the doctor every time I feel sick. lol
  6. C

    Chop off the arms and legs of every male between the ages of 14 and 40

    I'd heard of studies that apparently show that spousal abuse increases significantly during the build up to the Super Bowl. I guess when guy yells at his wife to get him more Bud Lite from the fridge he doesn't like being told to say the magic word in front of his male pals. Thus the KAPOW...
  7. C

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    24 minutes ago help me out I'm trying to motivate myself to go to training, which is in exactly an hour but it's like 28 degrees here you should have told me what you wanted to hear BEFORE you asked me for advice and you're still lazy for not wanting to spill coffee on your gi to have an...
  8. C

    Sean Bell murderers acquitted

    Good for the officers.
  9. C


    fuck pancakes in the ass. waffles ftmfw!
  10. C

    Abortion is Wrong

    Please do something that is actually useful, mate. It wont change anything. Im happy with who I am.
  11. C

    eugenics thread.

    The reality is, eugenics is already being practiced. Sperm banks screen donors - that's eugenics. So is this: Someone tell me how this is a bad thing? What LilBunnyRabbit (and I) are advocating is the wide-spread practice of such genetic selection. There are a number of obviously...
  12. C

    Should maintenance/alimony be compulsory?

    A relative of mine got stuck with this. Made a girl pregnant, she was adamant she was going to keep it and that he didn't need to have anything to do with it and they went their seperate ways. A few years later the CSA came a knocking. Seemed harsh because he had none of the joys of seeing his...
  13. C

    Another Reason to like Australia

    I told you there were reasons to like Australia except for the great members that come from here
  14. C

    Afghanistan and Wikilieaks

    Depends, I suppose. From the point of view of a soldier, yeah, better to waste a bomb than a trooper. From the point of view of a civilian - how many innocents are gonna get killed in an air strike compared to a ground assault? In one operation US Forces fired rockets into a Madrasa in an...
  15. C

    Guitar Problems

    Let me know what a floating bridge is and I'll tell you