Recent content by butch

  1. B

    Break-up with the person above you.

    My hand puts out more than you
  2. B

    Have you ever

  3. B

    IPad mini, Android tablet, nintendo, or Sony for portable gaming?

    I know the ps vita's cool and all, but just go with an Ipad Mini. They have a SHIT-TON of games in the app store so there's no shortage there.
  4. B

    female passiveness

    Of course its the long term goal. Or even the short term one. Its pure biology. No guy looks around a bar going "hmmmm, which one of these girls will make a nice friend..." . Its after you get to know a girl that you become friends.
  5. B


    Sorry babe but you can't justify it like that. I can't be doing with the comments cos that's not what matters. Also, clicking the link to read the comments gives just the same reaction as the sickos waiting to see another human being kill themselves, that's just not good.
  6. B

    Weekly Sketch Thread -

    Lovely pictures are lovely.
  7. B

    Who will greet you if you make it into heaven?

    To those of you that know Catholicism, who is suppose to meet you if you make it to the gates of Heaven? Also, what do they say to you? [If you had the quote from the Bible that would be great!] I can't remember if it's Peter or Jesus and I always forget the line they will say. Thanks.
  8. B

    Ban the last poster before you post

    for being jealous of my tats
  9. B

    CAT Tests

    I get pedantic after a few giggle waters every now and then. I have CDO (in their correct order, like they should be ).
  10. B

    Hiking Ireland and Scotland

    Okay, FullStop brought up something good, a GPS. He even put a little linky to one. Cool. However, as well versed as I am in some things, GPS units are not one of them. So, can anyone recommend a reasonably priced, good all purpose GPS unit? I don't want to be spending a fortune on maps and...
  11. B

    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    I don't think this thread would have gotten the traffic or response it has if it'd said 'birth control for the drug addicted' :P
  12. B

    Biggest loser in your family?

    My cousin is a ~35yo drug addict, lives on the street and is HIV+ either from sharing needles or whoring himself to gay men for drug money. He has diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia and smokes cigarettes like it's going out of style. I saw him in Miami once and his fingers were burned, because...
  13. B

    Third Graders Plot to Kill teacher

    ok..... enough with the fucking news stories
  14. B

    omggggg ideas?

    Pee, then flush- getting scalded is the only way they ever learn
  15. B

    Who do you avoid?

    people with really bad body odour omg my nostrils die when they catch some b.o jamming in the air ewww SAY NO TO B.O