Recent content by BreakingDawn

  1. B

    Introducing Two Male Dogs? IMPORTANT URGENT?

    I have a male Lab/Husky mix (we'll call him S) and I'm getting a 9-month old German Shepard/Husky mix (we'll call him B) and I was VERY worried about their introduction.. how do I go about that? additional. Info- S- *has been aggressive to other dogs in past but has grown accustomed *never had...
  2. B

    What T-Mobile Phone Should I get?

    I'm getting a T-Mobile in a couple of weeks BUT (sadly) I'm on a STRICT $125.00 budget. I have some HAVE-to-HAVES for it but other than that.. I need help narrowing it down... *QWERTY keyboard *under $100 ( if possible no more than $110) *Has to have a prepaid plan *Camera *Faceplates ( if at...
  3. B

    Which T-Mobile Phone Should I Get?

    I'm getting a T-Mobile in a couple of weeks BUT (sadly) I'm on a STRICT $125.00 budget. I have some HAVE-to-HAVES for it but other than that.. I need help narrowing it down... *QWERTY keyboard *under $100 ( if possible no more than $110) *Has to have a prepaid plan *Camera *Faceplates ( if at...
  4. B

    Prepaid QWERTY cell phones?

    It needs to have the following: *camera *full QWERTY keyboard *prepaid *Under $100.00 *Avaliable at Dollar Store, Target or Walmart
  5. B

    New Puppy Troubles?????????????????????????

    I just got a new puppy about a month ago. He's shy and still won't come up and play or anything. I took him on a walk yesterday ( a long walk like 1 1/2 miles) and he was worn out and just laid on his bed. Then, today I took him on another walk and he's getting more aquatints and my family but...
  6. B

    If you could travel back in time what singers would you like to meet?

    1. Elvis or Johnny cash 2. Beatles or Queen 3. Beethoven or Mozart 4. John Lennon or George Harrison.
  7. B

    T-Mobile Prepaid Question?

    If you get a t-mobile prepaid phone and it breaks can you get a prepaid replacement to replace it ( different like ex: if you have a Motorazr V3 and it breaks and you want a Sidekick OR the same even?)
  8. B

    which phone is better...voyager or dare?

    voyager it is the best :)
  9. B

    The Internet is acting weird today, what should I do?

    Whenever I try to go to a site that used to work for me it doesn't work now. Like when I went to it doesn't work, or it doesn't work. A lot of sites are not working for me today, could something be wrong with my Internet? What should I do? I...
  10. B

    Does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) really watch and logs what you

    download and do on the Internet? Wow, sorry I must have clicked the submit question button two times. Well extra answers :)
  11. B

    Do all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have a download limit?

    I never knew that. I download A LOT of things everyday and I never get stopped.
  12. B

    If my friend, Martha gets Internet service in Mexico. Will all the sites be in

    Spanish? Thanks, I'll tell her
  13. B

    Is it possible to travel from NJ to Montana by train? How, I need help?

    I'm really confused. I only know that I am going to take NJ Transit first, but where do i exchange trains? How do I do this? thanks
  14. B

    How do I get my voice back, mine went away after screaming so much on roller

    coasters yesterday? Well I can't talk, I can only whisper. I wore it out because yesterday my class went to Dorney Park and I screamed so much on all the rides, and my throat got dry. And after that, on the bus ride home, I talked SO much and laughed and that made it worse. So now I can't talk...