Recent content by Brayden

  1. B

    Do all men like hunting?

    No, I mean do all women love makeup? No it's just a stereotype
  2. B

    How to become a better basketball player?

    Flick your wrist up and down like u r dribbling except stronger
  3. B

    Ugliest fashion trends of all time?

    What are your top picks? 10 points to whoever can give me the most! Posted this in the "religious" section because with all the fighting and debates here, you guys should really put your energy into something more positive...Like helping me finish this school project on trends...
  4. B

    Polls and Surveys, are you on facebook?

    yes i am but my name is called anonymous to other people :D
  5. B

    Will my iHome play the music off my ITouch with the alarm?

    Yes, any audio coming from your phone should come through the Ihome, since you are using an AUX cable. I know this isn't a very detailed answer, but that's because it's a simple question to answer. Thank you for the details! ^.^
  6. B

    My Little Pony ios App?

    Did you unlock all of the tiles? If so, try buying everything?
  7. B

    Contiki tour 29 days UK - Amsterdam Is that too short?

    Here is the link: I just think its way too many countries and you only spend one day nearly in each country?!?! I want to go to Europe for 5 weeks but at least spend a few days in each country. Any help or thoughts? better...
  8. B

    What is a better option, the SASR or a Commando?

    I really want to join either one of these forces and im dedicated to train hard for it, but i was wondering which is the better one to join, and also i was planning on becoming a rifleman first and then after a few years try to get into one of these forces. But how do you go about getting into...
  9. B

    Atheists: Name some reasons why you don't think organized religions

    Disorganized religion doesn't get the same rap as organized religion. If Christians were solitaires and never voted in mass or had opinions this would be as ridiculous as atheists being denied a voice and a vote. No one I know has ever tried to restrict women or deny them rights. The...
  10. B

    If a woman calls herself a feminist, then goes on a misandrist man-hating rant..?

    I don't know. Most of the feminists I have met have been really aggressive, angry and arrogant. This however is anecdotal and I don't suspect it is indicative of the collective movement. This is a lot like atheists. A lot of atheists I've met (being an atheists myself), are loudmouth...
  11. B

    Can anyone find a torrent of Parks and Recreation Season 2 episodes 15-30?

    I can only find the full first season and then season 2 episodes 1-14. I remember Rob Lowe was in the later episodes and it was a riot!!
  12. B

    Converting mp3s to ringtones...?

    I don't know much about this, but I know how to with iTunes... All you have to do is change example.m4a to example.m4r, and drag into iTunes.. But that only works with iPhones. Otherwise, use (it's what I use)
  13. B

    BMW bypass unit? fixes airbag lights!?

    I found a site - that fixes airbag lights for bmw models with occupancy problems for only $39AUD with free worldwide shipping. Does anyone have this problem like i do?
  14. B

    Have you ever met christians who LITERALLY cannot comprehend the notion that the... may not be true? I've met christians who LITERALLY manifest no capacity to understand that the bible may not be true. They just don't seem to have the capacity to accept such a notion. It's like asking me to imagine life as a rabbit. I LITERALLY cannot comprehend such a notion. To...