Recent content by BoyScout

  1. B

    How messed up can you be?

    tell her she can give it to me, and bake me cookies too and to not worry, because i wont boom-headshot myself like her son
  2. B

    The blatant lies thread

    And his news threads are very much a good thing.
  3. B

    Word Disassociation

  4. B

    what would happen

    haha, oh hell yes. Your right, i fail for saving money on gold ups and bst trust, having no 45 second wait rule, and having unlimited searching EDIT: I would infect komodo before the OP
  5. B

    Cloning and Stem Cell Research

    One of the major problems scientists are having with clones dying off is because there is a preset genetic age marker that is passed on to the clone. Even though the animal will outwardly seem to mature at a normal growth rate, the genetic code plays off of the age of the original animal. This...
  6. B

    bogarts brings the lulz

    i think WB_ZEEB would have a kick out of this wait..
  7. B

    Delete all your porn and stop fappin, Ban the Hand!

    Day 10 begins tomorrow for me.
  8. B


    michael phelps won his medals and now has more than any other olympic athlete in history. Congrats to him.
  9. B

    We aint SO bad... (American Medical System, Part Deux)

    I see something good being done - however it's also something which I don't believe should be necessary.
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    Some Judges Live On Another Planet

    There were laws passed not so long ago in Scotland designed to make it "easier" to get a rape conviction. Basically the thinking is if the woman you took home after a night out was drunk then you raped her because she was not sober enough to consent to sex. The woman of course still has to make...
  11. B

    A question about self control please

    I readily admit to finding it hard to have sympathy with people who refuse to admit to having a problem. However, the first step in dealing with any addictive behaviour is to admit that there is a problem and start trying to deal with it. I think people who have taken that step deserve our help...
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    The Member Depreciation Thread

  13. B

    Bigger Scam: Modern Art or Bottled Water?

    i piss excellence so i cant piss on homeless people or they will become superior
  14. B

    Democrats call for invasion of Pakistan

    dejavu... Afghanistan all over again. How convenient.
  15. B

    Parents & Children

    Parents & Children ... same here. My kids are 's ... I know for the most part (from experience) that when young children throw tantrums it is because they are severely overtired, overstimulated, hungry or a combo of the 3!