Recent content by BobbyD

  1. B

    Do you think it is a bad trend for women to get married in their early 30s?

    I think its way better than getting married in their 20's. The human brain doesn't finish developing until we're in our mid 20's, so getting married before 25 is just plain stupid.
  2. B

    Does watching trib lesbian porn and masturbating to it make me gay?

    "I'm a straight female with a boyfriend who must definitely has a penis I very much enjoy" Then how in the world could you be gay? Lesbians are not interested in guys, especially their penises.
  3. B

    Is "Homo" a Derogatory Term?

    Technically homo means man, or human. Sapien means sapient, or wise. So, a homo sapien is a wise human. Therefore, by calling a gay man a homo, its not really an insult, except that it is, to straight guys, if they aren't homo's too, then what species are they?
  4. B

    Is homo-sexual used to describe a gay man and a lesbian woman?

    Marriage EQUALITY (not gay marriage, not homosexual marriage) is about two consenting adults marrying, regardless of gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, skin colour, religion, sex, or caste.
  5. B

    Where do gey men usually meet each other?

    I met my man in a park when I was 13. We were best friends for 5 years, and have been together, as a couple for nearly 5 more.
  6. B

    What do gay men think of gay women?

    I have no problem with them. My boyfriends best friend is a lesbian... she's my sister.
  7. B

    Why are there so many atheists in the religion & spirituality section of answers?

    Maybe because we want to discuss religion and spirituality. Why are there humans posting in the cat section?
  8. B

    What is your opinion on High school & Sex, "Waiting until marriage" and PDA?

    If I didn't have sex with girls I didn't love, and had waited to get married, I would have found out too late that I'm gay.
  9. B

    Do you think if it was the other way round and most of the population was

    No, I think they would be supported as the biological parents of the next generation. (not suggesting that same sex couples can't have kids)
  10. B

    Pedophilla vs. being Gay?

    Homosexuality is being attracted to same sex PEERS. Pedophilia is about taking advantage of, and abusing children. The majority of pedophiles identify as straight. The majority of pedophiles do not have sexual/romantic relationships with peers. The majority of pedophiles do not have a gender...
  11. B

    Gay 16yr old money for college help (adopted)?

    Get a job now, and start saving.
  12. B

    How do I buy a Cheap Prepaid disposable cell phone?

    I am visiting US first time. I need a very cheap disposable cell phone for 6 months. I will hardly be making outgoing calls. Mostly incoming SMS & phone. I would like a phone that I can buy for $10.00 to $ 20.00 & don't have to recharge it after the initial payment, so initial $10 t0 $20 should...
  13. B

    Are there lots of lesbians, Bi girls and Bi-curious girls these days?

    No, there are no more now (percentage wise) than there have been at any other point in history.
  14. B

    how can i protest about gay rights?

    The only freedom it will remove, is your freedom to take away others rights