Recent content by BlackJack1

  1. B

    What is your opinion on the story about the man who found a picture of Jesus on his

    I'm still wondering why people think Jesus looks like that. Its almost certain that he didn't have long hair. The bible says its a dishonor for men to have long hair.
  2. B

    Why do religions disregard Mayan prophecies even though Revelations is also...

    So now crop circle making aliens are behind the Apocalypse? You guys are getting sillier every day.
  3. B

    Did Jesus Fulfill Prophecies made 100s of years before his arrival on earth?

    Yeah, according to the what was written 100s of years after his death. Edit: "I heard a story , the chances of one person fulfilling even 8 of these would be the same as someone filling the state of Texas with silver dollars a foot deep, painting one red, hiding it, and giving someone one...
  4. B

    What's the most unambiguous, definite, measurable and verifiable prediction made

    "Jesus said ppl would mock Christians." Guess it takes a genius to figure out that if you worship a zombie, and claim to have tea parties with the creator of the universe people are going to mock you.
  5. B

    What do you think WOULD happen, if Y!A split the R&S into two new sections,...

    Atheists would probably post all their questions in the religion section initially, and then link to it in the Atheist section so we can all have a good laugh.
  6. B

    why are there so much atheists in the religion section?

    I don't really have anything else to do. I suppose do need a more productive hobby.
  7. B

    Who is a really skinny male celebrity?

    Looking for one older than Drake
  8. B

    Is there a bible prophecy about technology?

    Because if the bible ever mentioned 'encoding information in ones and zeros' or any specifics about the technology that runs the world today, I would convert right now. Seeing how technology (computers, cars, planes, phones, the internet) is extreemly vital to todays world, I would think God...
  9. B

    Atheists: Did you ever convert someone from a religion to Atheism?

    Nope. I keep my Atheism to myself (except for here on Y!A)
  10. B

    Christians keep saying loads of prophecies came true, what prophecies?

    I wonder whats the odds of people making up and editing the 'old' prophecies and the details of jesus's life after jesus's death... Seeing how there is still very little objective proof that jesus even existed I don't care how many 0s they put in their probability calculations.
  11. B

    Do you believe SCIENCE and RELIGION are BOTH subjective?

    I don't see how science could be at all subjective. The primordial soup thing has been researched way more than most Christians think. You should look up abiogenesis. Loads of successful research and experiments have been done.
  12. B

    Have you noticed that some Christians try to discredit evolution by calling it...

    ...a religion? Isn't that ironic...
  13. B

    Can any Christian list 5 fulfilled bible prophecies?

    And there must be evidence of the fulfillment outside of the bible. Specific examples only please. -_- Links are welcome but please post you 5 favorite prophecies from your link Prophecies fulfilled by jesus doesn't really count because outside of the bible there is no evidence of any of it...
  14. B

    Can any Christian list 5 fulfilled bible prophecies?

    And there must be evidence of the fulfillment outside of the bible. Specific examples only please. -_- Links are welcome but please post you 5 favorite prophecies from your link Prophecies fulfilled by jesus doesn't really count because outside of the bible there is no evidence of any of it...
  15. B

    Diet or Supplement advice to stop muscle fatigue?

    I suffer from quick muscle fatigue and long recovery times which really makes exercising more frustrating. What are some simple solutions for this?