Recent content by beelnite

  1. B

    Will riding a bike build up my calfs and thighs?

    Yes it will. It will also increase your flexibility and improve the circulation in your legs. Your whole body will benefit really. But - be careful starting out, OK? There are two types of riding styles... a lot of people think they are adding to their workout by staying in high gear and...
  2. B

    Is road bike financing a bad idea?

    I'm always wary of any type of loan as it adds to the burden of your financial situation and may reduce flexibility. But that said, I think it would be a fine idea to get your dream bike now provided you prepare to pay it off - and pay it off early - that can also add to your credit score for a...
  3. B

    Is a bike from a brand bike company better than a bike form kmart?if hot and why

    Bikes from department stores and big boxes are what you call "toolshed" bikes. You ride them for awhile, they fall apart and then end up in your toolshed for the next 20 years. Getting a cheap POS is money tossed out the window. Your forking over $200+ anyway for the cheapest components, the...