Recent content by BB

  1. B

    Leaf blower jet intake motor for a boat? Engineering Question?

    Would this work? I saw a video about a leaf blower directed underwater with an elbow to allow for a vaccum that would prevoke water intake and force it out the other end like a jet. Has anyone tried this out? I'm skeptical since i agree with the concept but at the same time your intake is...
  2. B

    state rankings

    New Jersey = #4 try hating now fuckers.
  3. B


  4. B

    why cant i get full screen on yahoo euchre and cribbage lounges?

    I am having the same issue. Don't know where to report it?
  5. B

    do low or unskilled migrant workers need sex?

    I've notice quite a lot of migrant workers have wives and families back home but when you talk to them they still want to have sex with the natives (whichever country they are in) even though they are married and have children back home. Why do they need sex so badly when they are here to work?
  6. B

    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    Hey now. Lets not bring the great country of Niger in this.
  7. B

    Do BLUERAY DVD players allow u to play just normal dvds aswell as Blueray dvds?

    this might be a dumb question but i really dont know i know a ps3 does... anyway, i am going to buy a blueray player soon and just wondering if i put in a non blueray disk (dvd) would it still play alright? thanks
  8. B

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    Everyone in ST is so ugly its awful.
  9. B

    Pulled Over; How to Tell Parents?

    The quicker you tell them, the better. When I got a ticket for doing 47 in a 30 at 11:06pm, I immediately called my parents after the incident to tell them. They never got pissed. Then again, I did call 911 the day after, got the officers name who pulled me over, setup a private meeting with...
  10. B

    What to buy/pack for a florida vacation in early May?

    I'm going on a trip to disney in florida like the last few days of april into the first week of may. I was just wondering what the weather would be like and what will be in fashion. I want to put together some mix and match outfits bc i cant reallly bring that much with me. (only one suitcase...
  11. B

    Where can I buy the Dell Inspiron Duo in stores?

    I prefer buying a computer in the store vs online
  12. B

    has anyone been able to make a cfw for ps3 update 3.56?

    you can contact me at: yahoo:B youtube:jugernut04 psn:jugernut04
  13. B

    i laffed

  14. B

    can you get banned from PSN using stolen PSP games online?

    I wanted to know before I stole games and modded my psp if I could get banned from psn using stolen psp games
  15. B

    can you get banned from PSN using stolen PSP games online?

    I wanted to know before I stole games and modded my psp if I could get banned from psn using stolen psp games