Recent content by babe

  1. B

    From a Christian point of view...what do you think of the Quote below, is it...

    ...right or wrong? Never Forget 3 Types Of People In Your Life 1. Who helped you in your difficult time 2. Who left you in your difficult times 3. Who put you in difficult time
  2. B

    Someone who is in my dreams all the time?

    I used to see this guy, it was getting to know him and just sexual, I'm a Leo female and he's a Scorpio male.. anyways., I dream about him alll the time! I dont know what it is. Maybe I still want more? I don't knoe but in the dream everytime before i wake up he always disses me (ex. I try to...
  3. B

    do you think this is funny? why do you think it's funny?

    It's hard to believe this is still going on. She's being treated like an animal.
  4. B

    what to do when an older family member gossips about their children to their...

    Depends on what they are gossiping about maybe they are bragging about their family.I know my MIL used to be like this to her sister but she would say things she should,nt have and her sister knew everything that was going on and would make comments about it But their children they claim were...
  5. B

    Is it wrong for a married woman to go on weeks vacation alone?

    I know of a couple they take seperate vacations they also had second jobs and worked together I know if I had the chance and the money I would go trust me I would go.
  6. B

    on family guy who else thinks that Lois Griffin has an annoying voice and...

    ...whines alot too? my favorite characters on family guy are Peter, stewie, brian, and his adorable gay cousin jasper, the evil monkey, the old pervert man herbert, Quagmire, oh Cleveland and his wife Loretta too because their funny! the rest of the characters i don't like. does anyone else...
  7. B

    Attic roof has a 7" pitch, width of the attic is 26'; ceiling must be 7'

    high, what size room could be added? want to add a room to the attic-can't figure the room dimension under that 7" pitch with a 7' ceiling. any help out there? the length of the attic will be the length of the room-what's the width?
  8. B

    Is it a sin to refuse your husband sex?

    No , it is not wrong if you are not feeling up to it. I have been married many years and there are times that you just aren't feeling well . If your husband really loves you than he will understand.
  9. B

    When I try to download anything from the internet....?

    When I try downloading anything from the internet, It opens up the download window, and then shows a message saying "Internet explorer cannot download (name of item I'm trying to download).Internet explorer cannot open this window site. The requested site is either unable or cannot be found...
  10. B

    am suspecting my future husband of cheating with his x girl friend i will

    Once you feel that he is cheating you may never believe him again. You need to move on and let them be together if in fact he is cheating with her. Trust when lost is almost impossible to get back.Life is to short to live with suspicion hanging over you. Maybe your love isn't strong enough and...
  11. B

    Somebody makes you a bad breakfast, do you complain?

    Im so picky about food,but i wont complain,dont want to hurt his/her feeling beside,i appreciated he/she make a bfast for me.
  12. B

    did he over step his boundries?

    I don't see anything wrong with this. I think your making more out of this than there actually is. There are a lot of thing to nursing clinicals and most people want to know about them.What is wrong with lunch with a lab partner. If you are worried than ask if you can go too. Nothing wrong with...