Recent content by Atarah

  1. A

    Christians whine JESUS JESUS, yet Muslims spend a life like him..Explain me...

    Oh? And can you provide us with some examples? Let's start with the old "love your neighbor as yourself" addage, shall we? Here we see a stunning example of how Muslims do NOT love their neighbors: And that's but one example in Pakistan. The country of Nigeria...
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    Why are Christians denouncing Camping when history is filled with their...

    Context, remember? The generation that sees the "fig tree produce leaves." "Generation" can also be translated "race." And the Matthew 16 prophecy WAS fulfilled. The guy who wrote Revelation was one of those standing there when Jesus said that. Edit: If Jesus meant that specific generation...
  3. A

    How would you guys best compare and contrast the Native American Spiritual

    The same way I'd best compare and contrast earth and the entire Pegasus galaxy. Do you think you could narrow it down just a bit?
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    If the United Nations gets it's way later this year, won't that set

    The "time of the Gentiles" in that context actually refers to the 70th week of Daniel when Israel has again been exiled and has taken refuge somewhere in the desert of Jordan. During that time the antichrist will have taken over Jerusalem and established it as a trade center. It'll become sort...
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    Why do American christians insist on a christian president and not a

    Because we have yet to see a good Muslim or Hindu president, whose country is almost devoid of religious violence, and all victims of violence, regardless of creed, are given immediate help. As for Buddhists, well...*glances nervously at Burma* BTW, Hitler may have been raised Catholic, but he...
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    Should people who can't have babies be allowed to get married? (According to

    According to my "religion" (and I'm using your definition, not mine), people aren't supposed find out that they can't have babies until after they're married. Of course happy people can get married--to someone of the opposite sex. Interfaith marriages are a really bad idea, and are strongly...
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    Is science a more reliable source to know about the world than religion and

    Definitely not. Faith without science remains blind and does not bear fruit, but science without faith is crippled and cannot advance. Besides, science cannot in any way explain what compels suffering Christians to forgive and pray for their tormentors. What, may I ask, could possibly be the...
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    Is being on Eharmony ok with God?

    Yeeeaaah....ish. e-harmony was started by Christians. But, like all things in cyberspace, be careful to thoroughly investigate the truth behind every statement or identity. That young, handsome, godly man you met over the internet could be a sleazy old sex offender in real life.
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    A question for Christians?

    The world leader popularly known as the Antichrist is clearly an individual human being. He is a man of Magogic descent, and a resurrected leader of a world power that enslaved/persecuted Israel at some point in history. His death was caused by a war-related head wound. Magog is the land of...
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    What are some Christians stereotypes?

    In the free world Christians are stereotyped as hypocrites. In captive nations Christians are stereotyped as traitors and dangerous criminals. This stereotype is forced on children so that they grow up believing Christians are evil and that it's their duty as "patriots" to kill Christians.
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    Why can’t Christians accept that their Pagan ancestors were just as devout as them

    I'm well aware that my ancestors were pagans. So were the ancestors of the Israelites at one point or another. Even Abraham believed that El Elyon was simply the sovereign God over other gods. But God has proven Himself to be the only God, and we have the testimony, the witness, of His...
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    According to Jesus Christ, can someone divorce his spouse for reason other than

    They can, but they shouldn't. Jesus said, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning." "For it is written, 'For this reason, a man shall leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and the two shall...
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    Poll for Christians: What's your favorite gospel illustration?

    What's your favorite real-life or fictional allegory or illustration that demonstrates the gospel or some other aspect of the nature of God? It can be one you read in a book, heard in a sermon, or came up with yourself. I'm particularly fond of CS Lewis' description of the un-dragonizing of...