Recent content by ArmchairGoddess#1

  1. A

    Why didn't Obama's apology tour work and make the world love us?

    You've been duped, little neocon wannabe. What the far-rightwing nation-destroyers in control of the GOP like to call an "apology tour" (not an accurate description of the Obama administration's wise foreign policy that began in January 2009 once he was sworn in) was actually a...
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    If church and state are separate, how can homos have the right to marry when...

    You far-rightwing anti-marriage-equality folks are overlooking the irony of your objections to homosexuals engaging in sex and also to having same-sex marriage when the best way to make sure homosexuals do not have sex anymore is to let them get married---marriage tends to lessen the...
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    Rather than whining ppl want to get Obama out,why don't he & Dems give any GOOD

    More than happy to oblige, but there is not enough room in this limited forum to complete such an answer, so I suggest you make full use of and plus's Obameter, and even JibJab as a reminder of what was facing President Obama upon being sworn in as our...
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    Why do conservatives support dodging any responsibility of paying for the privilege

    The far-right-wingers who seized control of the GOP in Reagan days talk the talk of "personal responsibility" for their sound-bit photo-ops and TV interviews, but they simply do not know how to nor are they willing to "walk the walk." My guess the main reason might be that many of the...
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    How anybody ever packed up and moved to another state simply because of high...

    I was surprised to learn that places on the east coast and west coast have cigarettes as high as $5.00 a pack (not that I'm a smoker). Our gas in Missouri averages around 1.69 a gallon, our cigarettes go for $20 a carton for Pall Malls (my grandbaby's dad smokes 'em) or around $2 a pack. I...
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    Why do liberals whine a lot?

    Limbaugh the heroin addict, you mean? The self-loathing pimple-pus-regurgitating hatemonger, you mean? I don't think so... Whiners (one "n") are not unique to either political party, nor to any specific age group...and is this question not a form of whiny complaint about Democrats...
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    Why do conservatives argue that the government does not create jobs?

    Conversely, these same erroneous right-wing Republicans (following Grover Norquist's nutty ideas about government---he actually advocates running up HUGE deficits as a way of "cutting spending" and "shrinking government"!) also INSIST that their foolish revenue-depleting, deficit-causing tax...
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    How come the Libs loved the term "Dubya" (Bush's middle initial), but whine...

    You've questioned all Liberals in the United States, have you? Upon what is the assumption that "Libs" are the ones who "loved" calling GW "Dubya" (which was started by Texas-based news columnist Molly Ivins, by the way) based? Another nickname for GW was "Shrub"---as in the weaker version of...
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    Are cons to blame for the hike in the obese rate in 28 states?

    Well...everybody knows about the GOP's love of and their catering to corporate "fatcats" No, this is probably one particular thing for which the GOP cannot be blamed, unless of course their deregulations and hiring of lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry to head the FDA somehow led...
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    Do you think Americans would have a better grasp of the world if they traveled...

    My dad was career Air Force, in electronics, and our family lived in Koeur la Petit, France during the 1950s when Eisenhauer was U.S. president and Charles DeGaulle was president of France. Before our family of eight (six kids) left for France, Pop had us older kids read the book, "The Ugly...