Recent content by Arix

  1. A

    How do I add apps on my iPhone from PC?

    I just bought a 2nd hand iPhone 3G. It's already jailbroken and I have both Cydia and Installous installed on it. In fact, I have already downloaded some apps by using Cydia and Installous through wifi. However, I find that method to be a really tedious and daunting task. I figured that if I...
  2. A

    Can someone who is 5'1" comfortable ride a Honda Nighthawk, or am I too short?

    I really like the way they look, but haven't been able to find one around town to sit on and test it out. I found some specs online about the seat height for a Nighthawk 250cc and they said the seat height is about 29.3 inches. They also said that the ground clearance was 6.?" inches. Do I...