Recent content by Architect

  1. A

    "Religion is bad on its own yet it tends to become worse mixed with...

    ...politics" Do you Agree? It is one thing for a person -or a population mass- to put a leash on his life but it is disturbingly abusive if another snatched this leash especially when the other end is attached to billions of necks.Shouldn't politics be devoid of any religion related conflicts? A...
  2. A

    does anyone know where to buy grafitti handbags online?

    they are availible to buy in a shop in galway,ireland called pagan
  3. A

    How do I connect an AT&T bluetooth handset to Skype on an iMAC that has bluetooth?...

    How do I connect an AT&T bluetooth handset to Skype on an iMAC that has bluetooth?... ...I want to be able to dial.? I am willing to purchase software for the Mac. Unfortunately most Mac solutions assume that you are connecting to bluetooth earpieces instead of a bluetooth enabled cordless...
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    Buy PSP or Nintendo DSi XL?

    I have done some research and I found out that : 1- PSP :::: Better graphics - Better games - Better design - Multimedia . 2- DSi ::::: More Games - Better controls - Better RPG games - More durability . I am into Better controls and better RPG games in the DS but I am a suck up for Better...
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    Christians - why, if you're celebrating the birth of Christ do you give one

    So , instead , you wanna sacrifice this presents to God ?
  6. A

    A christian explained to me why God had to kill his disobedient creation..?

    LOL @ Lame explanation . Brain is a gift , intelligence is a special gift but wisdom is an earned gift . Peace
  7. A

    Is alcohol consumption forbidden in Christianity, Judaism or Islam?

    In Islam , Alcohols are forbidden [even small sips] cause it takes away your mind and balance , it makes you violent and unreasonable and it intoxicate your body . i.e. Its disadvantages are way more than its advantages [advantages like medicine and medical stuff] . Peace
  8. A

    I will answer all your questions that you would like to know about Jesus Christ

    Isn't it the other way around ? you ask we answer ? Anyway , "Why did GOD die in the form of Jesus instead of dying in the form of GOD ?" "Why don't Christians follow what the bible said exactly and skip some rules ?" "Why don't Christians study the Bible in its original context ?" Peace
  9. A

    Can anyone convert to Islam, Christianity or Judaism. Which is the easiest to

    I [or anyone] can't compress a 3-4 years of research in religions in one YA answer . Please , do your own research and come back later. Peace edit : Frank S , that peace is not phony = / , wishing peace for everyone is my personal way of saying "bye" or "Cheers" Peace again .
  10. A

    i appreciate people with a sense of humor i have one,?

    I love sarcasm and having fun . Though, some people here purposely try to Humiliate God or Prophets; those I don't accept at all. Cheers
  11. A

    Can the term (Racist) be used for religions ?

    like a certain religion or belief being constantly abused , wouldn't that be racism ? For all the (religions are not races) answerers , save your breathe .. I am looking for good Answers . @Zaatheist , you made a wrong assumption & build your answer on it . I am not defending certain religion...
  12. A

    Isn't "Politics" the most consuming-useless-Wasteful activity in Human societies ?

    Isn't "Politics" the most consuming-useless-Wasteful activity in Human societies ? and I mean the current Politics ( all about lies , cheating , money & fear ). Don't you agree ? Why or why not ?
  13. A

    poll time!: Did someone ever told you u look like a certain celebrity?

    well , when I shaved my head all my friends told me that I look like the Cuban gangsters that show up in the movies with the large cigar and the uzis .
  14. A

    If You Could Interview One Celebrity or Anyone That is Considered Famous, Who...

    Tom Hanks , his movies are perfectly done and I Wanted to know the secret to this perfection !