Recent content by archer

  1. A

    Which Litecoin mining software is best?

    Hello, I'm a bit new to Litecoin mining but I'd like to begin. My GPU is a Radeon R9 290 which I'm sure is good enough to mine but I would like to know what type of software I should be using. My primary concern is trojans or viruses that are possibly hidden in mining software such as CG Miner...
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    Why do Christians say "EVOLUTION IS A THEORY!" when their religion is merely a

    Actually it is not even unproven thought as it is a belief and that is all it will ever be. At least a "theory" has some form of logic sprinkled with bits of validating evidence. I think I will stay with the theory. Think about it!
  3. A

    Spiritually Speaking: If you KNEW one religion was right over the others, would...

    Each religion already feels that their version of god has told them to go forth and convert. This has yet to motivate me into believing let alone converting anyone. Think about it!
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    What is more dangerous, recreational scuba diving or snowmobiling?

    Most sports have inherent dangers for those who do them without proper training or supervision. One can smash into a tree or get the bends but both can be safe and enjoyable sports. It is when one pushes to the limits of their ability and training that one ends up hurt.
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    Atheists: do you sometimes just wish that religions could be unrelated

    I choose what is relevant or important in my life no one else does. I live my life in my perspectives along with those that I have given importance too. I do not impose my perspectives on others but do respond to solicitations for information and clarification. I acknowledge others rights to...
  6. A

    i take no comfort in religion or deity's. not even as a child. i have always...

    Christian Skeptic, To answer your question "yes" there is. Mankind has created over three hundred gods and religions during our time walking this earth. No gods have actually pinned nor dictated any of the writings that have been deemed by the church to have been divinely inspired.
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    If Christianity Judaism and Islam claim to be religions of peace why are they...

    Fore some reason they just can not understand that there is but one god. A chair in the US would not be a chair in Israel nor in Egypt. Is not a rose by any other name still a rose?
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    Why does society hate people who don't support Iran?

    Has following Iran become a style statement? That seems to be the case. It's funny how Iran tries to foist its religious-political structure on the world in the name of globalization, yet it's all protective of its own values.
  9. A

    My bf was arrested for domestic i told police he hit me but my friend was there...

    If he is smart he won't be your boyfriend anymore. Drunks are the worst girlfriends because they can't find there a$$ with both hands and will put you in jail again.
  10. A

    Atheists, why do you complain so much about something you don't believe in?

    I do not complain but inform, when asked, by those seeking.
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    How will you choose to survive on the Spiritual Life Boat? Which 10 will you pick?

    Spiritual Life Boat? I didn't think one would be needed in heaven since there is no water.
  12. A

    Why do some portray Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, as brown or black? And...

    White God of Native Americans? The "Native Americans" initially thought christians were stupid.! Some one needs to brush up on their history!
  13. A

    CHRISTIANS: I am envisioning. The Coming of Christ, help me God!?

    Put down the pipe, You have had enough today.
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    Isn't man's existence Gods great big sense of humor at work?

    Humor is a human trait, why would a god need it?
  15. A

    Some help please with choosing my religion. I've chose it down to

    Christian is Christian does it really matter which church you go to?