Recent content by AnnieOakleaf

  1. A

    Girls; what style do you like on a guy?

    Country boy
  2. A

    how do you rate your own cooking?

    I've been told I'm a great cook.
  3. A

    Is the Hunting community a lesser place without Butch?

    I know.. miss em already. Ain't gonna be the same without him. I've also gotten word that some other regulars are considering leaving also. :(
  4. A

    Do boys like girls who hunt/ fish/ ride dirtbikes, snowmobiles, fourwheelers etc.?

    Gotta find the right guy :) And to answer your question- yes. And a girl hunting and fishing is NOT unusual either. If boys didn't like that kinda thing, I wouldn't have a boyfriend, whom I've been with for almost 3 years.
  5. A

    Love scavenger hunt for my girlfriend?

    leave little notes to a box of bullets or shotgun shells, then leave a note to find a gun case then leave a note to find a rifle or shotgun you bought her after all.. you DID ask in a HUNTING section and i'd love that if my boyfriend did that lol- but he lets me use his rifles and shotguns...
  6. A

    Love scavenger hunt for my girlfriend?

    leave little notes to a box of bullets or shotgun shells, then leave a note to find a gun case then leave a note to find a rifle or shotgun you bought her after all.. you DID ask in a HUNTING section and i'd love that if my boyfriend did that lol- but he lets me use his rifles and shotguns...
  7. A

    Love scavenger hunt for my girlfriend?

    leave little notes to a box of bullets or shotgun shells, then leave a note to find a gun case then leave a note to find a rifle or shotgun you bought her after all.. you DID ask in a HUNTING section and i'd love that if my boyfriend did that lol- but he lets me use his rifles and shotguns...
  8. A

    what kind of dog for hunting???

    it depends on what you'll be hunting- different critter you'll be hunting, there's practically a different dog bred for it and btw- Sarah H sounds like your the white trash one in the first place- no one asked for your opinion.. besides, what's a PETA freak doing here in the first place...
  9. A

    Hunters, what would you do if hunting was illegal?

    i ain't gonna worry about it, because it will NEVER EVER happen besides, why the heck are you, a bunny-hugging PETA FREAK, here in the hunting section in the first place? and what kind of mutha flippin answers do you think you'll get?
  10. A

    Toyota 4runner won't start sometimes......?

    I know the best way for someone to dignanose a problem with a car is to see it in person, but I was wondering if yall may have an idea.. I have a 1995 Toyota 4-runner. We got it used, and the guy who my momma and dad got it from said it sometimes has a hard time starting on a cold start. It...
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    why do people hunt raccons?

    because they can carry diseases like rabies that can be transferred to pets and people don't think you want rabies, do you?
  12. A

    I need help with a hunting rifle?

    i don't know much about elk hunting, but the yardage is similar to deer- i don't think that that would be a good range to shoot in- i think 500-something yds would be your limit, maybe somewhere around 600 or pushing 700, but at 1000yds. the bullet will have dropped so much and it wouldn't be...