Recent content by AndyG

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    Good puns?

    do you have diarrhea, or does shit just flow naturally from you? (no pun intended)
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    video plugin - firefox - divx HELP?

    I use 2 browsers Google Chrome and Waterfox (64bit Firefox) now recently i went to the Veehd site (video streaming, you can watch videos here) the first time i went there some of the videos asked me to download codec-v plugin to be able to watch, i was a bit suspicious of this, but found out to...
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    Who do you think sucks a better knob: Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann?

    Do you think Bachmann's daily botox injections limit her abilities?
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    Teabaggers laughed when asked to tone down the rhetoric, now they expect others to...

    LMAO your messiah said to tone it down then squirted himself when his puppet master the union thug boss did it!!! ROTFLMAO at the lib sheeple hypocrites, baaaaaaaaaa baaaaa for 0bama!!!! waaaaa says the 0bama sheep because they know their lying messiah is one and done!!!!
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    Why do conservatives love to blame Obama but cry and whine when people blame Bush?

    wow coming from the biggest Bush whiner this question is actually funny!!! Oh and the reality is, 0bama and minions have control of the white house and senate, but for some reason the sheep whine and blame Bush and the republicans!!! Pot?,........Kettle?
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    Beck ranted about "world government" (that's what "NWO" is) for 2 years,

    Oh look another lib hiding in the basement watching Beck and then whining about it!!! Funny how facts and truth makes the libbies so mad!!!!
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    Is there such thing...?

    Hello. I am an amateur inventor thinking of new things to possibly create. Please don't steal my idea, but is there already such thing as a computer keyboard, with lighted keys that you can change the fonts and languages that appear on the keys? If not, i am going to try and get one patented. If...
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    true or false

    true, would fuck a midget
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    Dam Dadi Do

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    Sony Ericsson Vivaz wont turn on?

    i have had my phone for a good couple of months now and for the most part it worked fine, however after dropping it a few times the lock/power button has fell off. this wasn't much of a problem as i could still lock it with my finger, but now i can't lock it with my finger or turn it off and on...
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    FLV editor and output to dvd app'?

    I like doing a lot of video editing, i use a basic video editing app' which is Cyberlink power producer/director 3 which suites all my needs at the moment, iv just started downloading video from the net using a 'video downloader' and the video format is FLV the problem is my video editor wont...
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    Quit playing paintball and still talk in ST?

    I play when I can. But right now all my extra money is going to my bronco to get it running.
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    T-Mobile dongle whats the lights.?

    a mate of mine gave me for a lend a T-Mobile dongle to get on the net he had with his contract mobile, now there is a light on it that changes colour, red i assume is for when you are not connected to the net, green i imagine is when you are connected. but when it turns blue i have no idea what...
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    Retarded Pregnant Woman Used for BB Gun target practice

    He suffered and died so you could take a personality test to be forgiven of your sins and spend eternity in heaven with him and L. Ron Hubbard (peace be upon him)