Recent content by Anakin

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    Who can win this first

    You are an epic fail at maths.
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    Combine 2 martial arts?

    I just started to practice Kempo. And I'm planning to start another MA, but I don't know if is a good idea. Like Kempo is about 70% punches, I would like to do like Tae Kwon Do to complement the kicks part. Or Muay Thai to increase the striking power in the punches and kicks. Aikijitsu or Ninpo...
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    Morning coffee = poops

    Coffee is a natural laxative so that makes sense.
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    What do you do for fun? (I NEED HELP!)

    Go do something stupid with your friends, or get involved in a sport. Or get a girl.
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    Today wuz last day of high school

    my last day of school was in december of 06
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    Are you scared of your dad?

    My dad is 5'0'' 398lbs
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    Tired of chicks blaming their whoreness on alcohol/guys

    This girl i dated told her parents I raped her. Then some how ppl at the school found out and somehow i was a mad rapist in about 2 days. I lost friends, my team hated me it was horrible. She didnt want to say she was wrong so she just added to the flame with details about how i held her down...
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    What song was he dancing to?

    in da club fiddy cent
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    What is this from?

    Wallace and Grom....fuck :(
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    Would You Rather (forum game)

    Gay fail kid approves.
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    So, George Bush...

    oh yeah, and we have a real badass right here with the funny man. EVERYONE GET IN HERE QUICK BECAUSE WE ARE ALL TALKING IN CAPSLOCK!
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    How Many Wrestling DVD's do You Own?

    The actual discs or sets? Benoit's x2 Eddie Guerrero's x3 Rock x3 Austin x3 1st Flair set x3 Wrestlemania - that one with Floyd Mayweather x3 ECW Rise & Fall x2 Bret Hart x3 22. bq1: The Rock bq2: Fan bq3: Oh, hell NO.
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    Wwe personal opinion quiz?

    98-01 - Goldberg 02-03 - The Rock 03- 04 Brock Lesnar 04- 05 - Eddie Guerrero 05 - 07 - Chris Benoit 07 - present - I stopped focusing cause all my favorites were dying or retiring. Michael Cole Kane Kelly Kelly