Recent content by aleksx_12

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    How do I make an iphone app?

    I don't want like a program that limits me to do only so much. I hear about people in the news who make applications but from what? The little boy from singapore who made iDoodle- What program is he using? What are the techniques? How can i make an application from scratch the way I want to...
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    Where can I download an mp3 of robot movement sounds?

    Like Mr. Wiggles and other hip-hop dancers will do sick robot routines when performing, but with really cool soundtracks that are robot sounds. Here's a perfect example: -anyway please help! :D
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    Is the Monster headphones company a legit company?

    Because i've never ordered from their site before and i did last saturday. The sending company thing was "e-send" I just want to know i didn't totally just give my credit card number out and got jipped off. I got an order ID number and everything but still dont know when the package will get here
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    What's the best music making software to purchase in making simple hip hop beats?

    Specifically, a program that I can record my own voice into so I can in turn make a song even. But I also want an easy program. I downloaded a demo of FL studio and my god was that confusing haha. Please help, I need to make a song for my girlfriend for Christmas thank you so much :D
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    If I want to make a recording studio in my home, what equipment would i need?

    I'm speaking in terms of making hip hop music. I am thinking of getting pro tools as the computer program, but what else do I need? Please provide a laundry list, I have no idea where to start. (I am looking to spend less than 500) Thank you! :D
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    What do I need to make my own recording studio at home?

    I would like to make hip hop songs so I know as much as I need a computer or laptop with nice memory, a decent mic, interface, and a program for the laptop or computer to make beats on. Can someone please go into more detail, I have no clue where to start haha. Thank you! :D
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    Can you work a turntable without a mixer?

    I have a professional CD player by Numark, its the axis 4 and its cool, you just slip the CD in and start messin with it. Problem is, i need to know if a mixer or soundboard is REQUIRED to hear anything? Is there some way to hear it without a mixer? like plugging it into a tv or stereo or...