Recent content by Acetek

  1. A

    How much could you make scrapping sattelites?

    The cost would be prohibitive. Until you develop a runway to orbit transport system getting to orbit will continue to be very expensive
  2. A

    Did Christianity originate in Judaism?

    Jesus was referencing God not himself
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    No cheating, can you answer this simple Dinosaur quiz?

    1. 3 2 false it means thunder lizard 3 Cretaceous 4. Herbavor 5. False 6. Don't know 7. 2 8. 9. Flase 10 don't care 11. true 12. Jurassic Park 13. true 14. 4 15. don't know was first discovered in 1092 16. before 17. false I live there Stegosaur 18. 19. Palenatoloist 20 true Had enough. I...
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    How do we know geosynchronous sattelites are actually moving?

    Geosynchronous means that the sattelites stays over the same point on the earth and the earth is revolving around it's axis so the sattelites there for are moving. If your friend believes in a geocentric universe then they need to go back to school