Recent content by AbbyL

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    Britain Adopts Islamic Law

    I think thayrea has raised an important point about the treatment of minorities. Even if we don't agree with his earlier assertion that minorities get more favourable treatment than white British people (especially when you consider that he is now unsure of it ihmself), the fact remains that...
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    [No message]
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    ask jeeves convo funny
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    China: no place to be a criminal!

    Better make it 20 stories then
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    OMG! People really do say it!!!!

    Where were these too deadly to compete people when the UFC started with the only rules no eye gouging, no biting and no fish hooking. Surely they had plenty of their deadly techniques with out the 3 that were not allowed.
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    Texas vs Tennessee

    Tennessee, a lot more out door stuff to do, less mexicans.
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    So this is a story...

    little guy who lived in a blue world
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    The World Cup

    I'm worried about Italy, this whole match fixing scandal could really mess with their heads. Especially Buffons.
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    lets play guess who deserves to die the most!

    In which case we drown him in a huge bucket of semen.
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    What does your avatar mean?

    what do you think?
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    Whats a good android game? ?

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    What is "I died for beauty" about? by Emily Dickinson?

    I havent found any clear analysis of the poem. the summaries I read on the internet kind of make it more confusing and the language they use is just too flowery
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    ups now does funeral services.

    lol thats awesome
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    badger for using the angel icon
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    Running out of helium

    I think thats plenty considering the worlds gonna end on December 21st of 2012 according to the Mayans. Balloons for EVERY BODY!!! YAY!!!