Recent content by abbea42s

  1. A

    Some stupid redneck stole my heavy bag.

    Sorry to hear that bro. Though it'd have been damn funny site to watch you catching them stealing it. There are few things that completely suck like when something like that gets stolen.
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    official ST mascot?

    Oh shit Shaniqua.
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    I call upon ST.

    why the fuck is ST so damn bitchy? all of you talk about how you hate each other, and then take it to a new level and make threads about it? i'm beginning to hate everyone that still makes shitty threads in this shitty place. oh, i dont give a fuck if you hate me either, this is the internet...
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    Chuck Norris Jokes

    chuck norris doesnt get hit by cars. cars get hit by chuck norris
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    You're supposed to use cotton wool soaked in warm water to wash all the nastiness away first.
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    Caucasian in my country.

    This seems somewhat relevant in a way... George Carlin - pride - YouTube
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    Michael Vick sentenced.

    riiiiiiiiiiiiight.... so either you're incredibly misinformed most of the time about pretty much every single event that you yourself don't witness firsthand because you're being led astray by those dastardly inaccurate news reporters.... or... reporters actually do manage to get things right...
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    Pulled Over; How to Tell Parents?

    say someone was tailing you and you switched lanes and sped up and ended up getting pulled over cause of a speed trap
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    What Are The Rules For Cock Blocks?

    ...*insert sonar recording of an oceanic whale*
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    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    i get my stats from a doj study. i'll see if i can link to it today. read it some time ago so i hope i can find it again. specifically talks about drug-use, arrest rates for socio-economic status. the point was that black people are targeted at a much higher rate for incarceration when white...
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    Now is Your Chance

    Eureka! I can't believe I didn't thank my Sports Med doc, my orthopedic surgeon and my phsyical therapist! THANK YOU! And also thanks to my hemotologist and GP, without them I wouldn't be doing MA at all. So THANKS!
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    ST help me name my African Grey

    sam (as in tucann sam)
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    Wild accussation

    blade eats them too. and lorenzo was in on it.
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    What are you doing right now?

    i am doing isometrics without kenji midori vids