Recent content by <3MrseNicholasJonas<3

  1. 3

    Am I OVERSTEPPING my boundaries?

    Sounds like he's playing the field, I would break away and do your own thing. This way you will not get hurt. Not that you over stepped your boundaries, but you allowed yourself to get set up to be hurt. Like he said he does not know what he wants. I would start spending less time with him...
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    If you're having SEX with a person, should you know who else they have sex with?

    When it's intimacy involved, you should know for all reasons
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    If you're having SEX with a person, should you know who else they have sex with?

    I dont see why you should have to know if you are protected. I foyu pull in a club, do you ask thier name and then ask how many people they are seeping with?? No didnt think so.Whereas if its a lot more intimate than that, then surely you should know there is no one but you
  4. 3

    What sex are you and what age were you when you moved out of your parents home?

    Female @ 18 years old, was not forced, was not being hard headed or big headed...At 15,16,17, you are not ready , unless you were forced, or some tragedy then I understand.I first moved with my boyfriend at 18.5then at 19 I moved alone..Back with him at 20I'm 23 and stay with my same boyfriend
  5. 3

    Do you appreciate God's sense of humor?

    I mean seriously, God has to have a sense of humour if he created platypuses.
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    Do you appreciate God's sense of humor?

    We have met the platypus and he is us.
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    How do you determine the sex of a ball python?

    if it humps your leg, it's probably a male....i think you have to have an expert look at it....
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    is there a possibility i could become pregnant?

    if u rake it late ur supposed to use a condom for at least a week or 2 so ur body can get bakk on track so itsd possible that u can get pregnant. jus be carefull and get checked. if 3 days havent passed yet go to the emergancy room or the clinic and take the day after pill
  9. 3

    Morbid humor...Your opinion?

    Laughing at another's calamity is unhealthy.
  10. 3

    My husband said I am like the old tootsie roll commercials regarding sex?

    38 and he already needs viagra?Has he seen a doctor?There could be something medical going on here.Barring that,is there something he wants that you're not giving,or something he dosen't like that you're doing?Communication might be the fix here.Knock back a few drinks with him one night(if you...