Recent content by <3chloe<3

  1. 3

    I'm pregnant and concerned with my husband's penis?

    I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and although my husband and i haven't had sex much [due to my lack of intimacy] we still have it on a pretty regular basis. This morning he came to me and told me that his penis was red, irritated, and flaking. He said he looked it up online and it was just because I was...
  2. 3

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner?

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner? Oh, certainly not. We're responsible for our actions and if you don't actually say no, then the other person can't be held responsible for not being aware. I think I disagree about the...
  3. 3

    Where would be the best place for a single black female, to find her husband?

    Try getting involved in political,social,charitable,or religious organizations, you should be able to find someone there.
  4. 3

    Girls Sex Or Chocolate?

  5. 3

    Two sex offenders released early?

    As far as I'm concerned any crime that has involved violence against vulnerable groups such as children, older and vulnerable people, do not merit early release regardless of good behavior, they should serve the full term of their sentence, and if they misbehave during their time in prison time...
  6. 3

    Why do men on craigslist solicit sex from other men, but claim they are "str8" in their ads?

    Why do men on craigslist solicit sex from other men, but claim they are "str8" in their ads? Obviously str8 guys have a price, lesson learned
  7. 3

    Anime to watch!?

    narutobleachblood+death noted. gray-manetc. etc.they're all amazing animes. xDin my opinion they all have great story lines ^^
  8. 3

    Does obama's 'change' include taking away womens' rights and liberties like ABORTION and Protection?

    Does obama's 'change' include taking away womens' rights and liberties like ABORTION and Protection? It does sound very clear about what change he is thinking of.For example, in 1997, Obama voted "present" on two bills (HB 382 and SB 230) that would have prohibited a procedure often referred to...
  9. 3

    where to go for vacation!?!?

    okay, I am 13 and I will be going with my mom and my twin brother. I want to go somewhere tropical where we can relax but still have fun........what are your suggestions?