what are the negative effects on youth have very limited approach form to culture, importance & dimensions of sex in culture,due to some Ethical & religious point of view & also having the limited exposure to society.to which extend THEIR MENTAL CAPACITIES CAN DIFFER
i have my two orphan cousin grown up in such an environment .now they have reached to the age across the teen age.i am observing the sever difference of them from their culture.till age of 18 they have feared to see women picture with sexual sense.they have no Friend & relative to become aware form culture.

what can be their sicological treatment? now they both are with me in university.they fear to even talk with girls.one who is in my class lives in frustrations & some times in deep depression. how i can put their capacities on right path because i think he have developed inside their minds the seeds of keep them self persistent on right path like leaders