It seems that these days, kids don't belong to their parents anymore. Am I imagining things? It's almost like of the parents want to be friend with the kids.
Against piercing their ears because the child should decide.... Since when a child is supposed to decide what happens?
Not getting the child baptized in case the child wants to choose another religion.... What is confirmation for?
Not suppose to say no to a child because it gives him limits....... and?
Not supposed to discipline a child because it makes him sad...... bouhouhou.
Not supposed to tell your child the truth when he does something stupid because it will damage it self esteem... so what?

Since when did the role of being a parent got out of fashion? Who is suppose to be the figure of authority if the parent is the child's friend?

Is it just in the USA or is this worldwide? (I'm not american)
Did I miss the boat somewhere?

Are we getting invaded buy a new generation of lax-moral hippies?
Court 2114: "Would you enjoy your mother taking you to Wal-Mart, pulling you on her lap and holding you down while some stranger came at you with a needle gun? Thought not." Is your child vaccinated? That's even worst then getting your ear pierced.... you can't take it out, it's in your body for ever. But parents do it by milion.
And since when does walmart pierce ears?
Winter Glory: Maybe it depends where you are from. My mom got her ears pierced at 2 weeks old in 1957, I had mine at the same age in 1983. For the religion part, it was an exemple. Our daughter is baptized but only because her father is christian, I'm Midewiwin, lol, we don't 'baptize' our youngs.