religion? by claiming to belong to your religion while openly violating the most basic, sacred tenants of your religion?
Master Shake--maybe I didn't word it right. I'm talking about the others who do these things, making a mockery of my religion. Would I be a bigot if I expressed my displeasure about them doing that?
Kate: Consider this hypothetical situation which I don't think exists at all, but think about it. If you are a Christian and there was an organized group who claimed to be Christian but who worshiped Satan instead of Jesus. Would you be considered a bigot if you said what they were doing was blasphemous?
Kate--a few more details on that hypothetical situation. You KNOW they are not a Christian group because they worship Satan but they promote themselves to non-Christian religious groups (Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc) as being a sect within Christianity. These non-Christians accuse you of being a bigot when you try to convince them that these Satan-worshipers are really not Christians. Are you bigoted or not?

Thanks Master Shake. But then they say you are attacking and disrespecting their beliefs. So what about their beliefs?