Let's get this out of the way up top: Rules, in high school at least, should ensure the next generation makes the right decisions for a better future, because making arbitrary rules is a ridiculous practice normally reserved for the government. But that's a different story.

As for this particular story, a Massachusetts high school suspended its star volleyball player and took away her captainship for -- get this -- picking up a drunk friend from a party and giving her a ride home, according to the Boston Herald (h/t Barstool Sports).
Here's how it went down, according to the report: North Andover senior setter Erin Cox, 17, received a text while eating a post-work frozen yogurt. (A post-work frozen yogurt! Already sounds like a troublemaker.) Anyhow, the text was from a drunk friend who needed a ride home from a party, and, as any right-thinking teen should, Cox obliged.
"I felt like going to get her was the right thing to do," she told the Boston Herald. "Saving her from getting in the car when she was intoxicated and hurt herself or getting in the car with someone else who was drinking. I’d give her a ride home."
Only the cops showed up just as Cox arrived to the house in neighboring Boxford, arrested a dozen underage drinkers and summoned another 15 to court. Cox was cleared of any wrongdoing when a police officer vouched for her sobriety in a written statement.
No harm, no foul, right? After all, was Cox supposed to let her friend get behind a wheel? Well, that's apparently what the North Andover administration would have preferred. Of course, they didn't come right out and say as much, but stripping Cox of her captainship and suspending her from five games pretty much sent that message.

A lawsuit from Cox's mother, Eleanor, in hopes of reversing the penalty went nowhere, according to the report. Instead, Geoffrey Bok, a lawyer representing the school, stuck to this story: "The school is really trying to take a very serious and principled stand regarding alcohol. And we all get that. Teen drinking is a serious problem."
But teen sober driving isn't. Erin Cox leads her volleyball team in assists. Earlier this month, she tried to deliver her most important one of the season. Now, it's up to the North Andover administration to realize Cox is the only one who did the right thing here.
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