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  1. #1
    Senior Member Paul's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Whats Wrong With My Original Xbox? The New Power Cord Flashes Red Green Then The

    RESET BUTTON POPS? so ya ok its an original xbox but its a newer one only had it a year. i had the new power cord that they send me. with the circut breaker. well i push the reset (red button) in and plug it into the outlet a few of to make sure it wasnt the outlet. but the light on the power cord flashes red then green then red then green again then pops the reset button up and no power is gettin to the xbox. now if i try to turn the console on while its flashing really quick u can see the xbox trying to turn on like normal. but the reset button on the power cord keeps popping up. why? so i called microsoft, "oh yes we can help you with this" no trouble shooting nothing. just a "we will send you another power cord." wtf. they didnt try to trouble shoot. i mean honestly the cord should be fine and i know the xbox is. so someone please tell me whats going on.

  2. #2
    I have this problem as well. This might help: On my regurar xbox old kind it wount start i go to the power cord and press "reset" it flashes green and red then pops out with a pow how do i fix this | Answerbag

    If not, if you know a bit about electronics, you can take the adapter apart and try to override the failsafe. I am attempting to do that right now; I will post a reply if I am successful. I know this reply is more than a year after your question, but hey - if other people have the problem, they can now google it an get help.

  3. #3

    Overriding the Failsafe in an XBox Power Adapter

    I have successfully overrode the failsafe. I'd post a picture, but I already sealed it up and everything. Here's how to do it:
    1. Open the casing (the screws are unorthodox; you can't take them out unless you have the right screwdriver). One side of the casing has nothing holding it together: peel the sticker off and pry it open. With a chisel and hammer, whack next to each screw in order to break the case.
    2. Unsolder the black wire. The wire that needs to be unsoldered is the only wire coming from the yellow plastic mechanism. This mechanism is the failsafe; there are "tap" buttons within it that disconnect power when the reset button is not depressed. Looking at the adapter with the power prongs facing toward you, and at the top of the unit, the black wire is soldered onto the circuit board in the lower left.
    3. Isolate the black wire somehow, so that it does not accidentally contact other parts of the board. (I wrapped it in electrical tape and stuffed it in the groove in the black plastic holder for the prongs)
    4. Test! Plug the unit in, and with a multimeter make sure it is delivering 120 volts, 2.5 amps (this is AC, so if you aren't getting anything, make sure your settings on the multimeter are right). If you don't have or don't know how to use a multimeter, skip this step.
    5. Plug it into the xbox, and see if it powers on. If it does, congratulations! You have successfully overrode the failed failsafe. If it does not, you have some other problems and I can't help you here.
    6. Unplug everything, seal the unit back up, wrap some duct tape around it so it stays together. I taped down the reset buttons as well, since they no longer have a purpose.
    7. ???
    8. Profit!

    Hope that helped

  4. #4
    i have this problem too. nd unplugging the xbox doesnt work so it was a fluke. :| anyway i pushed the reset button (red button) nd held it down for a wile then it turned on. ive done this about 4 times nd they all worked. this only happens wen my pwr goes out or i dnt play the xbox in a long time wich sucks btw. ive tried it for the 5th or 6th time now nd im getting impatient cuz it wont turn on anymore. idk wat to do now. guess i hav to move on to the 360 ;(

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    i have this problem too. nd unplugging the xbox doesnt work so it was a fluke. :| anyway i pushed the reset button (red button) nd held it down for a wile then it turned on. ive done this about 4 times nd they all worked. this only happens wen my pwr goes out or i dnt play the xbox in a long time wich sucks btw. ive tried it for the 5th or 6th time now nd im getting impatient cuz it wont turn on anymore. idk wat to do now. guess i hav to move on to the 360 ;(
    or, you know, you could crawl out of your parent's basement and go take a walk. Don't be afraid of all the lights and noises, it's just life happening to the normies. Some day, you may even join them.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have successfully overrode the failsafe. I'd post a picture, but I already sealed it up and everything. Here's how to do it:
    1. Open the casing (the screws are unorthodox; you can't take them out unless you have the right screwdriver). One side of the casing has nothing holding it together: peel the sticker off and pry it open. With a chisel and hammer, whack next to each screw in order to break the case.
    2. Unsolder the black wire. The wire that needs to be unsoldered is the only wire coming from the yellow plastic mechanism. This mechanism is the failsafe; there are "tap" buttons within it that disconnect power when the reset button is not depressed. Looking at the adapter with the power prongs facing toward you, and at the top of the unit, the black wire is soldered onto the circuit board in the lower left.
    3. Isolate the black wire somehow, so that it does not accidentally contact other parts of the board. (I wrapped it in electrical tape and stuffed it in the groove in the black plastic holder for the prongs)
    4. Test! Plug the unit in, and with a multimeter make sure it is delivering 120 volts, 2.5 amps (this is AC, so if you aren't getting anything, make sure your settings on the multimeter are right). If you don't have or don't know how to use a multimeter, skip this step.
    5. Plug it into the xbox, and see if it powers on. If it does, congratulations! You have successfully overrode the failed failsafe. If it does not, you have some other problems and I can't help you here.
    6. Unplug everything, seal the unit back up, wrap some duct tape around it so it stays together. I taped down the reset buttons as well, since they no longer have a purpose.
    7. ???
    8. Profit!

    Hope that helped
    ty for this info..gonna try that as soon as i buy a small star tool...we have bigger ones but never needed one this small..

  7. #7
    easier way to override the failsafe, simply plug another power cord into it, worked for me (i took it from a old radio that has the same end)

    if you dont feel safe about that, then cut the cord and install a fuse on it

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