Conspiracy theories - A conspiracy theory?


New member
Feb 28, 2009
Lots of people believe in conspiracy theories such as 9/11, the current economy crisis, Iraq war and whatnot.. But are conspiracy theories a conspiracy theory of its own? create and hype such a complicated system to keep people tied up? unaware if these "conspiracies" are real or not? When the real answer is just infront of them? But since they think too deep they just don't see it?
Vegeta - Obama is smart.. he will screw the whole of the middle-east (Israel excluded) and they won't know what hit them.. They will think Obama is their friend but he will just be working to push them back even more.. they just won't notice.. Sad really.. Problem is i live in the middle-east.. and i will be relocating as soon as possible..
Resist the flow - And hence comes your name
Vegeta - True true.. I would keep an eye on that one.. American or not.. people will be seriously screwed..
Obama is hardcore, period. If he ever actually went into war, it won't be a mess like Iraq. It will end before people even start questioning it.