What was your favorite Super Bowl Commercial?

  • Thread starter The Proud Conservative
  • Start date

The Proud Conservative

Hey, I missed the Super Bowl last night, and I was just wondering if there were any halirious commercials?
I missed them too, so thanks for asking this question!!!

You can check them out here: http://www.myspace.com/superbowlads

Thanks again, now I know which ones to watch:)
there was one with macy's parade float of stewie and underdog fighting of a bottle of coke float... and a rather humorous Budweiser Clydesdale/rocky one
I really liked the e*trade baby commercial. Clowns creep me out too!
The Pepsi Commercial with Justin...that was funny!
The screaming squirrel (bridgestone tires) made me laugh out loud, as did the planter's nuts ugly girl and the fed ex pigeons...I also loved seeing Justin T getting his nuts squashed for Pepsi and the Pepsi Maxx commercial was brilliant!