We stole a bike, what are the consequences?


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Me and my friend were at a house party, we woke up to find that my friends phone had been stolen out of her bag, so we angrily decided to steal a mountain bike from the house.

We sold it in a shop for 75 pounds, but today the family of the man who's bike we stole came to our houses and asked about the bike.
They said if we don't get it back they're going to get the police involved.

My friend and i are both 16 and from the UK.
Any idea about what we could do, or what will happen if the police are called into the equation?

And before anyone starts, yeah stealing a bike is wrong,we know, but it's done now, there's no use telling me im disgraceful or anything, I just want insight to what might happen.
Woah your going to jail for atleast 25 years.

...Nah, realy, here in Newzealand all you would get is a slap on the wrist. I don't know about the US. Maybe a fine and a coart date.
Give them the money , offer to make it right, mayby toss in a dinner and a written public apology for the newspaper, only on moron would want to take it farther. Or you could make up a story and tell them you found their drugs stuffed inside it and you don't think they will tell the cops because it would all come out they are drug users
why not just pay back for how much the bike was or get them a new one.. with sincere apologies.. you could prob get finedd.. court...
Give them the money , offer to make it right, mayby toss in a dinner and a written public apology for the newspaper, only on moron would want to take it farther. Or you could make up a story and tell them you found their drugs stuffed inside it and you don't think they will tell the cops because it would all come out they are drug users
You could be charged with thief if he does chose to press charges. Then again I'm not sure, this is just what would happen in the U.S.

Just remember, tell the full story it could save you tons of trouble.
if this is your first offense, then at WORST, you will have to pay a fine, serve some community service, and a summary offence (petty crime) will be added to your record, we call them misdemeanors in the US, but they can be contested in your magistrates' (or district's) court.

An apology, and a promise to purchase a new bike for them may soften the heart of these angry vigilantes...

Best of luck to you!

(P.S. I won't bash you for the bike, but at 16 you shouldn't be sleeping at house parties, they can be dangerous for both women and men... but i still hope the best for you. )
What you could do is say to the police or the people that they took her phone and if they dont get it back then say they wont be getting the bike. and what could happen is the police could give you a fine
uhh nothing serious will probably happen, it's just a bike. i mean really what's the big deal. the police will look for it, if they don't have proof then what can the police do. and if somehow you do get blamed and are considered guilty they'll probably make you pay for it, or a ticket. but that's highly unlikely to happen. once they stole my brothers bike and did nothing whatsoever so i think you're okay.
Simple buy the bike back and give it back to the guy. Explain the situation to the store clerk if he doesn't sell it back to you, he might understand. If that doesn't work maybe you could tell him the police will get involved if you don't get the bike back. Or you could forget telling the store clerk the truth and think of a really convincing story that might make him sell you the bike back. You got to think of that on your own.
If the police are called in you should be perfectly honest with them an coaperate, that way they will in turn lessen your punishment and possibly leave you off the hook with a slap on the wrist. If this is going to happen you might want to be honest to the store clerk so your story checks out. I your going to lie about anything you have to be 100 percent certain there is no way they can find out the truth.
See if you can give him money to buy a replacement bike. Try to buy it back from the shop if they still have it.
well from now on u will always remember this lessona and it wont ever happen again. you might have to pay a fine and prob have to buy the guy new bike, and wat proof did u have that he had stollen ur cell phone? wtvr, next time just dont fight fire with fire, it could get pretty serious, maybe even jail, not a good choice buddy ;)
go back to the shop and try and buy it back. if not buy a new bike for the people u stole it from! or make an agreement and give them money for the stolen bike...if ur gonna steal a bike...u could of atleast done it without knowing! lol its aight sh!t happens so w/e!
Well the right thing would be to give the bike back, say sorry and even so they don't hold this against you right a sorry note. or give a sorry gift