can you please help me with natural treatments for type 2 diabetes..I...


May 16, 2008
...helped so many and now I need help? lat I had an aic test it was just under the bad number (told three times I had it and three times I didn't') and so I got afraid to check it but took it yesterday after having a few green teas with honey and it was 345 which did scare me.

I can't seem to do what my doctor said which is to exercise 6 times a day for 10 minutes, eat six balanced meals I somethings eat just one big one, and eat no grains or fruits except sour ones and berries. That seems so extreme

I have a very healthy diet and shop health food stores but not so sure it is a good one for diabetes. I tend to eat lots of fruits and veggies, some free range meats (moderate amounts about every other day, good fats, and some whole grains.

My downfall is when I go out and to the movies so some filling healthy ideas would be nice

I know of several herbs that can help but am inconsistent in taking them..which are the best ones for can I get motivated to get more routine eating, stop bad stuff and what is the bad stuff and exercise (I have had many bad problems from 25 wrecks and hard to walk and so cold and cant afford gym and the hard floor at shopping centers hurts my back) and what diet and supplements are best for reversing it.

I did see Kevin Trudeau lists a guy who cured diabetes (an Asian doctor) and a very convincing man who used a lot of produce but I can't afford the book or the supplement, but I did have two relatives go blind and was recently diagnosed with retinopathy..also saw mom wither and suffer on kidney dialysis and know moat people on dialysis are diabetes..I don;'t want to destroy my eyes, lose limbs or kidneys etc but I feel I am in some kind of denial and so inconsistent..what can I do to reverse it and get motivated.

please help//I get distracted a lot and not scheduled at all. I think I have adult add (not adhd) and that is not helping me get on a routine.

I Also avoid doctors cause I do not want to take medical drugs and lost my good doctor due to HMO change..this guy is not open to alternative health like my former doctor who gave the stringent diet etc

I have been very depressed for over 35 years and this blunts my motivation. but I do not want to go blind and stuff either.