Does Adam ( the first man) have a bell button?


May 26, 2008
a belly button is a scar that is caused by birth, Adam nor Eve were Actually born thay were created one from dust and one from a rib of Adam. I do know that the bible states taht we are made in the image of God. do you think he has a belly button?
don't follow the bible
there are ALOT of things that don't add up
1. mithrus(i think that's how you spell it) was the 'Original' jesus
he was sent down from the lord to help people etc... was designed to hide the pagan celebration of yule
3.christians built on top of pagan religious sites so they would have to enter a church to worship

so no, CUXause he wasn't real
Yes, Adam has a "Bell Button"; the painting on the "Sistine Chapel" gives him one. If Michelangelo was truly a prophet, then this is 100% the truth. No Exceptions.
as the passage is a myth it kinda dosnt really matter, if you picture adam in your head and he dosnt have a belly button then he dosnt have abelly button :D
I would imagine he would have a belly button if we are all truly descendants of Adam and Eve. If one person doesn't have a belly button (somehow) and has a baby with someone who does have one there is a 50% chance that the baby would not have one. It's the same concept with nipples on the breasts. Why should men have nipples? Because if they didn't there would be a chance a woman would be born without them. I guess I got a little off topic, but I hope I made my case!
while this question might have made sense when you asked it, it's totally pointless. adam and eve is just a story put in the bible to explain away how we came to be, a parable if you will.