Can I get a smart phone with Internet capabilities without phone service and NO


May 13, 2008
contract? Basically I want to buy a smart phone running Windows Mobile Pro and subscribe to a wireless carrier for Internet access via this phone device. I do not want to be billed for phone service on this device -- just data access.

I like AT&Ts plans, but they seem to require a contract. I'm looking for a service that does not require a contract -- I don't care if I have to pay $500 for the phone instead of signing for two years to receive a "free" phone. When it comes to the wireless industry, contracts come from providers who know their services suck and they need them to retain their business.

Is there anyone that matches my requirements?
Buying the phone is not the problem -- I have 1000's of them.

I have something similar setup for my business via T-mobile, but I wanted to see if there were other alternatives publicly available. Worst case, I'll just add my phone through the business.
I seriously doubt you can do that. All I can think of is to browse for unlocked smartphones.
It is possible to have a mobile computer, but I'm not so sure about a smart phone with Internet capabilities. You could go for a Black Berry perhaps, but you would still need a contract for an internet service. I think the type of "smart phone" except it isn't a phone would be the iPod Touch, because it has Internet capabilities for free and it's just an iPod, or the iPhone but that requires a contract anyway.
I've never heard of anything like this. I'm pretty sure that all phone companies pull you into a contract.