How can I put part of a MP3 as a ringtone on a cell phone?


May 23, 2008
My dad wants me to find out how I can put part of a MP3 on a cell phone as a ring-tone. Reason is cause I played a song on my electronic synthesizer keyboard that he likes and wants me to put it into a MP3 and be able to put it on his cell phone as a ring-tone somehow. Well I know how to record me playing the song on my synthesizer on to my computer and put it into a MP3 file cause I've already done that. What I don't know how to do is make it to put on a a cell phone as a ring-tone. Is there a program I need to do that with or what. If you want to hear the song that he wants on his cell phone as a ring-tone I uploaded me playing it to YouTube. It's the second song in the video.