Why are we so incredibly different?


New member
Feb 14, 2009
My elder sister and myself. She is 4 yrs my senior. How is it that two people grow up raised by the same good stable caring parents in the same home etc and yet at mid life are on completely different pathways. We speak and get along with each other very well but are more like occasional friends or acquaintances and live in different countries now. I have another sister one year younger than this one (also overseas living just a few miles from the eldest one) and who is my absolute soul mate on a level wavelength in most things. At one point we have all three even had similar careers. But my life has twisted wandered and turned all over the place making for some quite extreme happy sad and often hilarious scenarios.
Is it because I am something of a soldier of fortune whereas my eldest sister has probably never even had a red overdue energy bill and leads what appears a very mundane "married" life.
What makes these distinctions between family members as they reach mid life ?
You and your sister did not have the same experiences growing up. You two had different friends and school life. You two have different personalities. That comes into play.
Me and my sister are the same, chalk and cheese, though we still get along very well, just cos u was brought up in the same house with same parents, dosent mean u have to be the same, everyone is unique in their own way, thats what makes us all special, would be a dull world now if we were all the same.