Is Nancy Pelosi's Salt Marsh Harvest mouse worth our grandchilden's future?


New member
Feb 13, 2009
This is in the stimulus package along with things like Urban Canals and science with money to be spent as needed. These people voted for this bill without even reading the thousand plus pages. Obama promised transparency in this but instead of 5 days to read it they were given 2. How will we justify this?
Yep, without her help the Salt Marsh Harvest mouse won't even have grandchildren.
please do me a favor and do not say her name wow how disgusted i feel when i hear that name
she is evil
HOuse ok'd it the first time without the evil Republicans, then the Senate got to make a big deal and wine about it and even get some serious money and hang with honeys on the weekend. It got passed. so who cares about the House reading it, they already saw it and what ever is new in it the big wig Democrats approved and so did the Republicans. So just sign the thing and shut up. Who cares as bad as it is they don't even have to be "gracious" as they can do it and they did.

I'll say this for them they at least got the thing to the house at noon today, even though if you didn't go potty it would take a normal person 12 hours to read.

The Salt Marsh Harvest cat needs food also and be glad she didn't throw in sex ed for them. ha, ha!
I can tell you one thing for sure: a degraded environment will leave your children without any kind of future at all. If that means saving the salt marsh harvest mouse, so be it.

Air, plants and water have to win over money or there will be no place for your grandchildren to live.
In her late stages of dementia, Pelosi is not exactly rational. Demanding yes, controlling yes, obnoxious yes,. Her last big ticket brain storm was to buy up the condom inventory of the US, and to dol them out to prevent STD's.

Now, she's aiding the expansion of domestic rodents. I really hope a couple dozen of these creatures wind up in her basement. What rock did she crawl out from under ?
They lied. What did you truly expect?
And no one was even given 24 hours to read the final draft of this BS Bill.

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