Can i get into Friday the 13th movie?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
I'll be 17 on feb15th 2009 so im just about two days short of being legit, tonight i was planning on going to the movies with a friend and she's not 17 either, just barely, like me. i was wondering if someone's gonna ask for my license and be a total bum and not let us in...?
Depends were your going, more then likely not. On chance they do you could find someone older then you, to buy the tickets. Ask around shouldn't be to difficult a task to find someone.
well...if u r too yung try making a fake id i saw it on wizards of waverly place (btw) i dont watch it i just saw sum girl named alex
make a fake id and got into the movie i thought i should try but im old enought to see any movie well..Good Luck!
It depends on what kind of mood the ticket taker is in. I would let you in. Go for it!
If they do, then get a different movie ticket and sneak in, or just have a parental unit walk in to say its okay... I know that the second one is dorky but it does work... :)
well it depends on a variety of factors.

1) You could just go to the ticket office and try and fool them.
2) You could use one of those electronic ticket things that don't ask for ID.

If you get that far and someone taking the ticket wants ID, you're pretty much finished.

Good Luck with that and don't forget best answer!
They might be picky, or you can bring an adult with you and they won't care. You can always wait if you want.
in canada i've 15 and ive never been asked for id and ive watched tons of rated r movies...
No they never check for an I.D they let me into an R rated movie before and Im only 14..I was 13 when I saw the movie...
Try buying the tickets without acting the least bit out-of-the-ordinary. Most likely, they won't ask for your license if you act as if you are already 17.
It's happened plenty of times to me, don't worry.
If you are not with a parent, they will make you show ID. Just find an older guy like 40 and have him say he's your dad and the girl is your sister.
Ya they will, when I went to see My Bloody Valentine 3D with my friends they wouldn't let us in cuz we're all under age. We're 14, lol. You have to be at least 17 to get it and you have to be 21 or older to bye a ticket for a "minor". I was just like f*ck you b*tch and I asked the person behind me if he could buy me and my friends ticket and we'll pay him. He actually did he was a sweet man, lol. Try it :) I want to go see that movie too like omg lets go together, haha jk!
Well, depends on the movie theater and the person working really.
but they are most likely not gonna let you buy 2 tickets because you have to be 21 to do that. Get a parent to get the tickets for you.
Nah not ususaly, as long as you dont look like your 5 just go ahead, or just buy another ticket and sneak in.
Have someone who is 18 or older buy the tickets ahead of time, then just go with your friend, they shouldn't ask for id because you already bought the tickets, so they had to have seen your id.
Have someone who is 18 or older buy the tickets ahead of time, then just go with your friend, they shouldn't ask for id because you already bought the tickets, so they had to have seen your id.