Is it necessary to tell my future homestay family I'm Muslim?


May 13, 2008
Assalamu alaykum wr wb

I'm thinking of going to Quebec this summer to improve my French and I will be staying with a host family there. Do you think I will experience prejudice from them because of my Muslim faith? It's not always necessary to mention my religion to non-Muslims I meet, but since I'll be living with a host family for some time, do you think it's better to inform them? Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks.

Wa salam
To whom it may concern, as for your question I would have to say , people now a day should respect others culture but it is very hard some denie it. Have to say to I am french culture and was born and raised in quebec , I dont have a proplem with you being muslim I do find it very intresting to be honest. Turn it around maybe somone would ask the same thing do you think your country or family would denie me around . ps good luck
Yes. You absolutely have to tell them.

In some cases, I would say it's not that important. But I'm French Canadian. We put pork in everything. EVERYTHING. Even fruit pies will have lard in the crust, lard made with pork. You have to tell them well in advance so they can straighten up the food situation.

(note: I no longer put pork in anything.)

It's possible they will have a problem with you being Muslim, but it's just as likely they won't care. It kinda depends on where you go, too. Montreal has a lot of Lebanese and North African Muslims (due to the language) so you wouldn't really be out of place there. But if you're in a very small town it could be different.

Mashallah on you for working on a second (third?) language. Inshallah you will enjoy Quebec, it's a nice province, very pretty. Have a great time.
well yes, coz you need to pray five times a day right? how can you hide that from them. Tell them if they like it they do, if not who cares
i never understood that living abroad with a family thing..never liked it.heck no.
i think u should tell them so they can do some research and find out that its offensive to offer u like pork or wine or things like that!!
i dunno how its like in canada

thank God u going to canada and not a small town in, thenu woulda knew u arent welcome

they wouldnt allow u in their trailer

but just be yourself....dont give them any kind and if they ask..answer each question...theyre probably curious